The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

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Yeah, safe roads is really nice. The weather is getting overcast over here in west, which I hope it doesn't rain because my NDG junior doe finally got her horns removed, but to kill all the 'horn cells' the vet had to go a little deeper than normal..and unfortunately it opened up into her nasal cavity. While it's healing, dampness is not good for it - especially rain. So I hope it doesn't rain!
Yeah, safe roads is really nice. The weather is getting overcast over here in west, which I hope it doesn't rain because my NDG junior doe finally got her horns removed, but to kill all the 'horn cells' the vet had to go a little deeper than normal..and unfortunately it opened up into her nasal cavity. While it's healing, dampness is not good for it - especially rain. So I hope it doesn't rain!

Poor little gal, I will pray for the rains to stay away from you for awhile. I woke up this morning to Bright Blue Sunny Skys and its amazing how much that perks my mood up. Been up for an hour and already have quite a bit done, now I'm off to give the fish tanks a good scrub down.
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