The girls are constantly pecking their rear feathers out!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Union, Mo.
Does any one know why our girls are constantly picking the rear end feathers out of one another? We had one that got bad enough that she got a bloody sore and we had to isolate her till she healed.


Are you sure they are picking them out? It looks more like rooster rash.

If you don't have a roo, I would say they are lacking in protein and methione. Try feeding some BOSS. (Black Oil Sunflower Seed)
No Roo.
We actually catch them plucking a feather,then running off with it and swallowing it quick!
Mine look like that but it is from a rooster. Have you tried Blu-Kote on it? I use that, but make sure you wear gloves or you will have purple hands for a week.
Three things to try: give them more room (enlarge coop or run if possible); give them something better to do (like, cut a whole bunch of long grass or roadside weeds [making sure there is nothing drastically toxic in there], or weed the garden, and dump it all into their run for them to eat and scratch through; and try feeding more protein, for instance scraps of meat from the kitchen (freezerburned bits, trimmings, bits scraped off bones after you boil them for soup, etc).

Good luck,


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