The Great Chicken Wire Debate

Our main run has hardware cloth, sides and top. We have a smaller coop and run that has a chain link fence run. We put hardware cloth halfway up, figuring that nothing could reach through where the chickens were. Well, we lost 4 chicks overnight in that coop, probably from a snake.

We don't lose anything from the main coop and run with the hardware cloth. It's definitely worth the extra cost.
Wow! Hey everyone...thanks so much! Bugflipper....huge help with the eBay site! Much cheaper than around here...ordered 2. Thanks for that! It looks like I'll be going with hardware cloth throughout. Yes, the chickens will be snugged up tight at night in their coop. But I forgot to mention the hawks in the area as well and, unless I am with them in the yard to free range them, they will be in the run during the day. But I guess you never know! I appreciate the input!! Now, off to dig the run!
The way I am reducing the cost of fencing my run is to use hardware cloth(1/2" welded) on the bottom 2 feet (where the raccoon could reach in and grab a bird) and 2x4" welded wire on the top few 4 feet. Still secure.
My father n law has nothing but chicken wire on coop and run, has never had issue with coons getting in and they everywhere around here.
My father n law has nothing but chicken wire on coop and run, has never had issue with coons getting in and they everywhere around here. All chicken wire is not created equal he must have a heavier guage that we on the east coast refer to as fox wire looks exactly the same in all other respects (openings are also smaller) .

I know a full sized raccoon can go through light guage chicken wire like a piece of wet Kleenex and so can a domestic dog of any size.

As the old adage goes you get what you pay for.
I think your father in law did not skimp on the wire.
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I have hardware cloth everywhere - top, sides, aproned at the bottom of run, & over all coop openings.

You get what you pay for, and what I bought was peace of mind.
I, too, finally erred on the side of caution and went with hardware cloth throughout! Best decision I made. I had a small window that I left open for air one night before the run was complete. The opening had been covered in the hardware cloth, thank God! Next morning, I could see where something had pressed against it and used its teeth to pull on it to get through. The cloth withstood the abuse beautifully. No regrets!
I used 1x2" welded wire as the exoskeleton and 3 feet of 1/4x1/4" hardware cloth on the bottom perimeter. This is the inside of the open door. Mice can squeeze through a 1/2x1/2" hole as can snakes.

Where the roosts come up to an area of open 1x2" wire, I put the less expensive 1/2x1/2" hardware cloth to prevent animals from pulling the sleeping chickens through.
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