The Hatch has Begun!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 13, 2011
Medina, MN
I am very excited that my chicks have begun hatching! I have 24 "viable" eggs in the incubator with two hatched out already. It is very difficult to resist taking those little cuties out of the bator - but I know better! These guys are Olive Eggers (French Black Copper Marans roo x Ameracauna hen). I also have some Aracaunas and a couple of other mixes coming. Thought I'd share a couple of photos!

Congrats on the cuties!!! I can't wait till mine hatch...Day 19 for me today and they started wobbling..Im hoping that means that the pipping will begin soon
Thanks for the encouragement! Hopefully, yours have started to hatch now. I ended up with a 62% hatch rate, which I am happy with for my first time. Already getting ready for my next group! Please share your photos and experience!!
Thanks for the encouragement! Hopefully, yours have started to hatch now. I ended up with a 62% hatch rate, which I am happy with for my first time. Already getting ready for my next group! Please share your photos and experience!!
No, mine haven't even pipped yet
but I have seen 7 in the past two days, one has been wobbling all day long and really hard wobbles too....Did all of yours wobble before they pipped? I have not seen all mine wobble. We have 12 in the incubator. I know that some can hatch a day or two late so I am just constantly looking into the windows waiting for something to happen LOL

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