The Haunted Forest RPG

Revan punches Ezria in the face with his obsidian gauntlet.

Ezria's head jerks back, he's stunned for a moment; loosening his grip on Revan and clutching his face. His nose was broken by the force of Revan's punch, and blood now runs down over his lips. He spits on the ground and grits his teeth, ramming his shoulder into raven and breaking down the door behind him.

Zahir drops down to the ground, turning back to a snake, then darts to the distracted knight to nail him from behind in the back of the neck while he is looking at the wriggling tail, sinking his venomous fangs into the soft flesh.
Zahir releases the last of the 5 knights accompanying Revan, stunned from the sudden blow. The knight crumples to the ground, contorting in agony as his muscles relax against their will and his nerves cease to transmit anything but pain signals. Shaking his head, he tries to pull himself together through the concussion.

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