The Homemade Incubator we made


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 30, 2012
Lawton Michigan
In the last thread I was in (Needs Help 2 Identify These Breeds Plz :-O) I said that I would start a new thread showing the homemade incubator my husband and I made.

Quote: It stays between the 97- 101degree farenhiet range. it took a lot of drilling holes, covering them back up, finding the right watts for the lightbulb, making sure it was a soft white. Making sure the humidity was at least 56% at all times. But a week of playing around we these factors we finally got it right and I wanted to share out of my excitement about it

I'm having a hard time getting the photos to embed right onto this thread. Gonna put the rest of them in a folder.

Now we just have to wait for our roosters to do thier thing (if they would someday...:/) and candle eggs til we get one (or hopefully more) that is fertilized. :)

If anyone is having too many fertilized eggs that they can't get rid of them and want to...they can message me on here for our address

Can't wait to try this incubator out!!
Pictures are now below in the album with my signature.

Also we used a screen to separate the light area and the egg area so the chicks when they hatch wouldn't bump into the bulb and get hurt.
That's great! I hope the temperature stays steady enough that it hatches them. A range from 97-101 seems like a large range for the eggs. Best of luck and let me know how it goes!!!
We brought the incubator inside. It has a better temperature range now. Well...that we were seeing before the thermometer got too wet from the humidity and doesn't work where it says the temp. Just the humidity at the moment.
Gonna have to get a water proof one now. Shoulda guessed that we would be needing a water proof one to begin with...But live and learn, right?

We got one egg in there now, turning it every 8 hours. We tried to candle it..It looked like there maybe an embryo in there, but the egg is only a day old. I think we're a little too excited.
We'll see if it is really fertilized in a couple more days.
That sounds fun! Good luck!!! Just remember, temperature is more important than keeping humidity at an exact number. They need the humidity, but if it changes a little bit, I wouldn't worry as much about that as I would about keeping the temperature steady.
Well the eggs weren't fertilized
hmm.png need of some fertile eggs. We only got 2 roosters, and one we got I don't think he's at his 6 month mark yet and the other is a bantam soooo.... on the fertile egg hunt we go ... Our temp is at 99 ferenhiet steady
One light bulb or 2 ? What wattage? In process of building an incubator myself, so very interested in yours. Any reply appreciated ....( *)>

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