The house hen

the hen's leg became the same temperature as the other, the mass did not disappear but the swelling disappeared.
The last 2-3 days however, her respiratory infection has flared up. I am Not sure. her symptoms are consistent with chornic bronchitis. She never laid an egg. She did not eat much, only tasty things, some feed but very little and plenty of water. she sits in her usual place and rests. sometimes she breaths with her beak open, and sometimes i also hear a rale. I really do not what to do for her, i guess like people when they are sick they just rest. her eyes are clear and she is perfectly alert.
It is possible she has "fowl typhoid". It checks all the boxes in
  • Dejection.
  • Ruffled feathers.
  • Inappetance.
  • Thirst.
  • Yellow diarrhoea.
  • Reluctance to move.
She has/had both yellowish diarrea, but also emerald green. It could also easily be newcastle. Being a chicken doctor is very hard, especially without a lab. If i am not wrong, the typhoid is treatable with an antibiotic.
I am so sad
she died yesterday.. the last thing that she saw was me... i could not let her go, i kept holding her and crying for hours.. today i will do the chicken funeral :'(
I miss her so much....

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