The Incubator Thread

I just put my duck eggs in lockdown 2 days ago. One egg has developed a blue/gray coloration on the shell where the air sac is. Have any of you experienced that before? Is the duckling dead? One other egg has a small blue dot on the side. They were completely white at lockdown day 1. The temp dropped to 97 for most of the first day while I was away. I was able to bring it back up to 99 but I wonder if this affected the eggs. The incubator maintained a steady 100 degrees right up until lockdown (of course I would have problems when I am not suppose to open the door!). The humidity is at 70-75%. Both eggs showed movement when candled before lockdown. Should I remove them from the incubator? I definitely don't want an explosion if they are bad. Advise is much appreciated! Here is a picture of the blue coloration (bottom left egg):
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Hi all.
I'm almost at lockdown for my very first hatch!!
Extremely excited and equally nervous so I just want to check a couple of things.
I'm in Australia and have done mostly a dry hatch until now as the air sacks were not growing much at all. The temp has been at 37.5ºc and humidity was up near 50% then I took it down to 20.
What temp and humidity should I be aiming for when I reach lockdown?
Also, should I be misting the eggs in the last few days? I haven't as yet.

I am incubating these 2 weeks then putting under hen last week. Blue andelusian white eggs brown is RIR/BA mix and the green are BA/EE

here are some of the blue andelusians from the eggs a lady gave them to me.
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