The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

Beautiful birds!
Mine are just chicks at the moment.. been trying to get some viable Jubilee eggs with no luck (they come in scrambled or hatch out chicks that are NOT Jubilees) *sighs*

Once I get a working camera again I'll post some pics!
Glad to have you with us... ok gotta help this person to get some good Jub chicks :)
I sent you a Pm back. Orpington's do come in white. There is a white Orpington's or a sport which can come from BBS. I have both here. Whites are very pretty birds and several people are currently working with the color. Young white from BBS Parents .Vivi
I totally think you should breed her with a white orp to see what you get, & to possibly improve leg color

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