The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

one of my blue babies :) next to some blacks


Very nice babies. :)  We are gonna work on my sportsman before vivi goes home.

have replaced some parts on mine and put an acrylic door on my hatcher so I could see what was going on. They are pretty easy to work on and parts are easily replaced in the older ones, I dont know about the new digital command center ones though.
have replaced some parts on mine and put an acrylic door on my hatcher so I could see what was going on. They are pretty easy to work on and parts are easily replaced in the older ones, I dont know about the new digital command center ones though.

Already had that checked... Tech thinks it is the turner motor that keeps blowing the fuses... we shall see :)
have replaced some parts on mine and put an acrylic door on my hatcher so I could see what was going on. They are pretty easy to work on and parts are easily replaced in the older ones, I dont know about the new digital command center ones though.
We just got a new GQF 1550 hatcher and ordered a new I think 1500 incubator. All that said to say when our new incubator gets hear I will be attempting to repair our old 1502 non- digital incubator the turner does not work automatically, you can turn it by the switch but no on auto. It is pretty old and well used but if I can get it going we will have 3 incubators and one hatcher. Boy then we can work on some of our projects.
the sportsman is down :( you shouldn't live so far away Renie mine is only 1/4 full on any given week bust out with the foam bators remove the turners & double stack if needed i have even double stacked with the turner still in i didn't go crazy but there was an extra dozen eggs up on top & they did hatch out getting some nice buff splits , i hope the boys are as big as the farther's are my jublee from S.C. are hatching looks like 2 out of 11 but they were shipped in very cold weather one is zipping as i type
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He is certainly nicer than some I have seen. His comb is sliding over... I too have had this happen to some roos that I have wintered over in the kennel. I wonder if it something like what happens when Orcas are kept in captivity... Their dorsal fin will lean over instead of standing tall and proud.

What is your opinion guys. Is he English, was supposed to be when I bought him in a batch of chicks. He looks English to me but whats your opinion?
the GFF roo i had looked like the second pic, but mine was missing all his points on his comb (frostbite)
he was like that when i got him
after having Renie's monster buff roosters all others look to be tiny

that & i only had splits to breed my boy with so i'm now out of them

love the tail on the 1st one
mine had the dark tail feathers too

do you have any girls for them?
The first one is Snicket he is our Original Breeder the second we hatched from bought eggs. We have one pretty nice hen and 3 we just acquired that I am working on.

she has feeled out a bit since this photo, she was around 5 months old here I think. She just started laying, I lost my original hen.

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