The Middle Tennessee Thread

On a lighter note I just wanted to post some picks of some cute little barnies the lighter one is a splash
....And remember some folks are like Slinky's they aren't good for much but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

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Have 1 incubator full and has been running for a week with mail ordered eggs, just received my new Janoel today, have that running and balancing out, have eggs settling that were delivered today. I hope to be over ran with chicks come the end of next month. White Crested Polish, Golden Lace Cochin, Buff Laced Polish, Showgirls, Silkies, Houdans, Sultans and Millie Fluers.. My family thinks I am losing my mind, but I feel that if they are here then I have a reason to get out of bed and force myself to battle the pain of Lupus and the other junk wrong.
We've bought from two different local breeders in my county. Neither one of them seemed to take pride in their flock. It made us decide that we didn't want to buy from them again. I think it is good for business if you have nice healthy birds to show off.
Please Lori dont let my orps get eaten. Lol

I sold 2 NH hens today and 2 BR so slowly i am making room. I need to call the roo guy... that will help too.

I had to repair a fence today because the roos where fighting.....glad the rain came while i was doing that...kept me cool. Now i just hàve to wait another 3 weeks to start hatching. Insert smiley that looks like it is pulling hair out.
Chad only you would think of the Slinky thing!! But, I am warped enough too to really get a huge laugh out of it. I now have people in my office wondering about me. I need to find some stairs.....;)
Chad--- I needed that big huge whooping laugh. Thank you.

Becky- To heck with the stairs, give them a reason to call you a crazy chicken lady. Then if you ever have the desire to do something totally off the wall they won't be surprised. That is my method anyway.

Carol- I worm, treat the premises and clean (DEEP CLEAN) coops etc at least 4x per year, check for mites, I do not vaccinate for Marek's, and I have tons of stuff on hand for "OMG what is going wrong and it is in the middle of the night when every store is closed" moments. I love oxine btw.

Donna- They are in a covered run. 2 of the girls are determined to set and are loosing some good belly feathers so I have put a door on the shelter so they can't go in during the day. I don't have another area to put them in to break the broody so you may some ugly hens before long if they insist on keeping this up.

Soroco- How right you are!!! We don't have TV at our house and watching chickens has always made me feel relaxed. Best fun... give one a grape and watch the resulting football, hockey, wrestling type matches break out.
Have 1 incubator full and has been running for a week with mail ordered eggs, just received my new Janoel today, have that running and balancing out, have eggs settling that were delivered today. I hope to be over ran with chicks come the end of next month. White Crested Polish, Golden Lace Cochin, Buff Laced Polish, Showgirls, Silkies, Houdans, Sultans and Millie Fluers.. My family thinks I am losing my mind, but I feel that if they are here then I have a reason to get out of bed and force myself to battle the pain of Lupus and the other junk wrong.

Well it is better some days than others. I have degenerative disk disease and arthritis and what is probably fibromyalgia (because not all the pain is in the joints/bones). Last year my little bottle lamb was what helped me through some of the worse days. I would feed him then pull him up on my lap and work at the computer. You definitively want to make a solid pet of at least one of your chicks so that you can cuddle them. It helps a lot. As for the pain find you some emu oil that you can rub on where it hurts. It is a penetrating oil and helps restore the cells and reduce inflammation. You can get if from a healthfood store or you can find it at <> He is a Middle Tn farmer and the Springfield Pharmacy carries his oil.

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