The Middle Tennessee Thread

Sorry, Donna. And Tosha. I hope they can be easily treated and so they can still have good "quality of life". I feel so bad for people that have to go through extensive chemo.
Strength to both, and your families.

And if you decide to let any Orps go, maybe.... let me know. LF.
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Well we got some bad news the other day. My DH's cancer has come back. I don't think we are real worried at this point the Dr. feels it is very treatable with an oral medication at this time,but... I will be downsizing to cut the feed bill. You all know what medical bills can be like. I have not made any final decisions yet as to who leaves and who stays, but if anyone is interested I would rather they go to people I know will love and care for them. You all know how attached we can get to our birds . I also have a couple of mini pigs that may go too.
Very sorry to hear this, thinking good wishes for your DH!
I am looking for some pullets to bulk up my flock a bit. Looking for Orpingtons, Australorps, or Sussex primarily, but any breed that is docile and will go well with these breeds I would consider.
Anyone near Dickson, White Bluff, Charlotte, Ashland City, etc?

I don't post much but couldn't just lurk and run. Prayers for you and DH. Always willing to listen.

Wow good to hear you are back in the country and back on the boards.

Haven't died or anything, just been really sick and furloughed did not help. Give Beth and the family a hug.

Flock looks great. Pmd you

How are things?

Things with the silkies going well? I still miss them.

Pleasure to meet you the other day and thank you for treating my son like a man when he sold his birds.
Well I lost my first chicken, and only blue egg layer, to a predator today-- actually my husband ( greatest in the world!!) found it this morning. Since there is No coop damage he thinks that after i let the girls free range and cleaned the coop, it slipped in from the barn. What's weired is the other chickens did not seem upset with that huge opossum ( husband killed with an ax, country boy, he thinks it's huge), in a nest box--sleeping! any way I wanted to know, DMrippy if I could get some blue egg layers chicks from you in spring?
Sounds like someone needs a good maremma... probably two
Well we got some bad news the other day. My DH's cancer has come back. I don't think we are real worried at this point the Dr. feels it is very treatable with an oral medication at this time,but... I will be downsizing to cut the feed bill. You all know what medical bills can be like. I have not made any final decisions yet as to who leaves and who stays, but if anyone is interested I would rather they go to people I know will love and care for them. You all know how attached we can get to our birds . I also have a couple of mini pigs that may go too.
I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers are for you both. We went through this with my dad a few years ago and my little sister this past summer. Cancer sucks. :(
City girl happy to getting back out in the country and yes love it out here!!! Got the last post in for the bigger animals fence had to use a jack hammer still didn't reach the bottom of it. Oh and took my great pyraneese to the vet bad news heart worm
but have him on meds so eventually will all go away. Wish I didn't have to give him up the last 2 yrs dang xDH. That's ok on the road to recovery. The vet place said he was the best mannered and friendliest great pyraneese they have seen

But when I got home from work yesterday I noticed some water by the road.... Water leaking at the meter. You know of course it was on our side water guy turned water off and I asked for someone he knew could fix it. He gave me the name if co worker he said ah tomorrow @430. WHAT? I have no water for a day and 175 bill. I have 2 kids I gotta have water. So my awesome fiancé checked it out eventually got the piece out we went to lowes rednecked some pieces together with the help of a worker there so for a whopping 12.00 and 2 hrs work we had water again!!! You never realize how important things are till you don't have them!

Sorry to hear about your pup. Did you use the vet out in Chapel Hill or your other guy? Heartworm stinks to treat, but at least it is treatable. I'm so glad you got him back. I know he is super happy to be back with the family. Now you need to get him some goats to play with. :)

Plumbing issues usually befuddle me. I'm pretty willing to wing it with the other stuff, but plumbing I hate to deal with. Ugg. Hope your new plumber is a good one! I had a great one, but I can't find his contact info anymore. Sigh.

Yell when you get settled. There is a new mexican place by the Publix. I've been waiting for someone fun to move out to the boondocks with me so we could go check it out. There is another one in Eagleville that is supposed to be good too. Let's go eat! :)
The one in Eagleville is very good!!! And I will get with you definately!! we are pushing to get this fence up quickly as possible... I spend the evening grocery shopping and then dinner I was wanting to catch up on the inside but those dinner dishes are calling me ugh.
I went to the guy in chapel hill. I liked it will def go back I even put your name down for a referral so you should get something lol
Becky I already PMd you but yes I have y'all in my prayers.

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