The Middle Tennessee Thread

Everything is frozen here but it's not THAT cold... only when it's windy. I think it feels warmer than the freezing rain we have been getting recently! It's currently a tropical 18 according to the car thermometer.

Hope everyone's birds did ok.

I had the same thought... just didn't seem cold.... well till I pulled my hand of the ice cold water and the plastic gloves started sticking to the metal hammer LOL

Hubby said it was because I was wrapped up... but I didn't ware anything different on my legs than normal.... 2 pair of sweats. I did have a flannel scarf on my head and around my neck... and a thicker coat with a hat. I just didn't FREEZE like I do on some days. I think the wind just didn't blow much.

I am jealous ..... it didn't get that warm here. Says it is 3 now.....
I did lose one bird.... he was not in great shape anyway and should have been culled.... I just didn't have another backup really so I didn't want to. My Choc Split Wyandotte..... I think he injured his neck or something a few weeks ago. He started to rally and then was back in the same shape pretty soon. I figured the cold would get him.... and it did.

I have not seen anything that looked like frostbit and no one seemed distressed so ALL WAS GOOD. I even got a good bit of eggs too.... one was FROZEN and cracked. Not sure on the others so I will hatch them and see. I put an F on these so I would not sell them and could know WHY they didn't develop.
Sorry Donna! I will call today sometime. Well little miss piggy was still going strong last night when I went out to water. WHOOT! My birds had not even come out of their coops all day not one single track! Pretty sure they didn't come out and drink after I put out the water which scares me a bit. I will take more out tonight. Come on Weds. it is suppose to be a balmy 39!
Becky I am pretty sick today. just call me next week. I am not heading you way till I get over this cold.....I need to not leave the house for a couple of months so MAYBE I can stay well for a little while.
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Have a little giant incubator that has seen better days but does work just fine. It is still air.

need 10+ leg bands that will fit Sebastopol geese- probably 16 mm that lock and are numbered

willing to trade

Lolli N Pops carries the leg bands if you want to order from them to make a deal with me.
I have a serious problem that requires a Rx for my dry heels. I found the best lotions work even better with bag balm worked in over the top-seems to supercharge whatever lotion or potion I use. Avoid any lotions with petrolum products, ie vasline, which break down skin. If you don't already have Bag Balm for your animals it can be bought from CVS and TSC. also great on my 2 1/2 Y O grandsons windburned cheeks.
Birds pulled through, The only ones that seemed effected was the BLRW, but they are find now, Glad it is warming up. Going to be giving out electrolytes in warm water the rest of the week to perk them up.

Still can't believe the Chocolates are doing so well in this cold that they are laying LOL. Then again. If you was bred from English Orps, you would have enough fluff to be nice AND TOASTY. LOL.
Amenfarm….my husband's family swears by "utter cream " it can be bought at most drug stores….my husband has terribly cracked heels from years of running and that seems to help.

So far so good in my coop….everyone seems fine and I got 3 eggs today from my 6 girls. The front door to the coop faces the sun so they were loving it today but I still didn't let them out. Gave them warmed up rice from last night and some hot oatmeal for breakfast, had to jump out of the way, they loved it!! Water was frozen so I replaced that with fresh water and they really attacked that too. Tomorrow will be a whopping 35 degrees so I'll let them out for awhile. More worried about the fish in the pond, it's frozen solid except for a tiny trickle under the waterfall, can't even see in there to see if they are still alive. They usually make it through the winters fine, they kind of hibernate until spring….don't eat don't move….but this is really cold and I'm not sure what's under the solid ice. I think we all need some sun and warmth…..major cabin fever!!!

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