The Middle Tennessee Thread

Well, After much tweaking this weekend over the new incubator, I got it stable @49% humidity and 37.6 c temp 99.68F. If the humidity drops below 45% an alarm goes off. I took the Styrofoam that it came packed in and modified it, so the drain holes matched. So temp isn't my problem now. I don't think. The unit has a fan so I think 99 is good. The humidity is what is confusing me atm. The how too books/websites I have read vary. Most say 60% till lock-down then up o 75%. The pamphlet that came with the incubator said 50% till lock down then 65%. Others say 20-40% then 50-80% Unless told other wise I am just going with 49% then up to 63%. Keeping the humidity down is hard. My central heat and air crashed. Till we can get it fixed next month we are at the mercy of the weather. Maybe my power bill will be below $100 this month. I haven't seen that in years! Always looking for that silver lining LOL.
Okay Donna I grabbed a few pics so you guys can help me lol. Most of the rest are either obviously roosters or pullets, these are my "hmmmmm" chicks.Chick 1- no clue lol

Chick 1 in in the very back by EE Roo. Chick 2 is up front and center. Chick 3 is on left (cinnamon as my son calls it)

Better shot of Chick 3 (Cinnamon)

3 roos out of 10 chicks that I know so far. The EE white Roo has a strangled cough/crow that is adorable.
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I have BBS 100% English Orpington eggs ready to ship out!
$65 + shipping for 10+ eggs
Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in these eggs!
I can be messaged here,
on my farm page
or E-mailed at [email protected]

I will only be shipping for a few more weeks due to the warmer temperatures! This may be the last chance to buy them until the Fall!!
At Lots 'A' Cluckin' Farm we are Certified NPIP breeders in the state of TN. NPIP # 63-460

1st - hello and happy chicken happenings to all the new folks who have joined the thread recently !!

2nd - After 2 months of postponements I FINALLY have got Pen A w/ CL Roo "Prince" & 5 CL gals, plus a couple brown egg layers, and on the other end of the farm I have Pen B w/ 2 SFH Roos "BV" & "Stav", 2 SFH gals, plus a half doz mutt eggs known to lay blue & olive eggs. This means all the cream eggs from Pen B I can set as pure SFH w/o having to trap nest the poor sfh gals every morning, and in a month I should have a couple doz / wk of pure CL eggs :)

Meanwhile, I have 2 just hatched mutts peeing in the sewing room, the first wave of eggs set by the crazy broody pullet, who took everyone else's eggs AGAIN TODAY, so she has some 9 ish original eggs plus another 6ish taken today and possibly a few she managed to nab over the past 3 wks. I am really going to have to move her to a rabbit cage and give her back some of the lockdown ready eggs tonight after I candle them. Perhaps w no other eggs to steel and some chicks in 3 days I can put an end to her setting awhile...
Well, total count for this easter egg hatch is 6 BCMxBR crosses, one with a yellow spotted head, and 7 blue marans!!!



These out of 18 eggs set. Pretty good for a hatch I thought was doomed! One egg left in bator, partially zipped, one foot out and stalled, still peeping...
We put an egg under our Cochin and she has been setting pretty well but yesterday she got off the nest for her daily eat, drink and stretch. Well, she got back on the wrong nest and we aren't sure how long but the egg felt cool. Luckily it was one of the 75 degree days. The egg had just shy of a week left to go. What are our chances?

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