The Middle Tennessee Thread

On the way to Bonnies we stopped at the Flea Market (I saw chickens LOL) Doug was talking to this guy about his ducks..... in about 5 mins this guy almost had him buying DUCKS! He told him they were better bug eaters than guinea..... what do yall think... yes no????? He made me think guinea are bug specific eaters and ducks would eat anything..... is he right? I don't want ducks... they are really messy.
We have Muscovy ducks that we got from msmeower last year and some swedish ducklings. I love my Muscovy ducks. They do not quack which is a plus and ours will extend their necks out across the top of the grass in hopes of flushing up flies and mosquitoes. A lot of people think they are ugly but I like them. They also make awesome mothers.

Here is an excerpt from
So what do Muscovy ducks eat? Once people find out what Muscovies like to dine on, then this duck becomes a must for their farm or estate. Every year, our neighbors complain about the flies and mosquitos that they have to put up with. They purchase lots of chemicals and go to a lot of work to keep these pests down. However, we use nothing except the Muscovy duck itself. Muscovies love to eat flies, maggots, mosquitos, mosquito larva, slugs, bugs of all sorts, black widow spiders, the brown fiddleback spider and any thing else that creeps and crawls. As a matter of fact, they will search in, under, around and through places to find these tasty morsels. They will even eat ants and destroy ant dens. The Heifer Project Exchange of Africa quotes a development worker in Togo reporting that the local people were not bothered by flies because their Muscovy ducks killed them all. They even slaughtered some ducks, opened the crops, and found that the Muscovies had their crops filled with dead flies. The organization ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization) has reported the same findings. In addition, a Canadian study of fly controls with dairy goats found that Muscovies caught 30 times more houseflies than commercial flytraps, baits or flypaper. The ducks also ate spilled feed and the flies that were in the feed, along with any maggots that happened to be there. In addition, Muscovies love roaches and eat them like candy.

My muscovy mom and her 1st babies

Swedish ducklings except the brown one in the back is a muscovy
I thought Guinea were ugly too.... but if they would eat their weight in flies I can deal with UGLY.... is that just Muscovies? Or would any duck do that? I really would like to get silver apple yards if I got some. They are really pretty. I saw some at that auction and they sold for a song........

Maybe BOTH.....
I thought Guinea were ugly too.... but if they would eat their weight in flies I can deal with UGLY.... is that just Muscovies? Or would any duck do that? I really would like to get silver apple yards if I got some. They are really pretty. I saw some at that auction and they sold for a song........

Maybe BOTH.....
I've never had any apple yards but they are very pretty. I doubt they are the mosquito and fly eaters that muscovies are but I could be wrong!

I decided to go the route I did because I had guineas years ago and they were very noisy. The guineas would get up on our roof early in the mornings before we ever got out of bed and run from one end of the house to the other.
Needless to say we ended up out of bed.
I am glad you told me that I was gonna go up sat to get more guineas. I think I am just gonna go to the auction now...

Which auction are you going to? I haven't seen any Guineas at the Lewisburg one. There were quite a few Muscovy ducks there a couple weeks ago. I need to find a few more Guineas too. There are 4 they roam between my neighbors farm and mine that equals about 6 acres and we still have a ton of mosquitos. Ticks are not nearly as bad as they were a month ago.
Which auction are you going to? I haven't seen any Guineas at the Lewisburg one. There were quite a few Muscovy ducks there a couple weeks ago. I need to find a few more Guineas too. There are 4 they roam between my neighbors farm and mine that equals about 6 acres and we still have a ton of mosquitos. Ticks are not nearly as bad as they were a month ago.

I am taking a good chunk of my sebrights to auction sat at the lewisburg one I have {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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to clean out my garage you saw how full it was lol. My turkey got attacked by the neighbors dog and she is gone now I have more guinea eggs for you if you wanna give it a shot. The dog also got my female guinea :( I called the animal control here in Marshall county and I still haven't gotten a call back so I guess I have to handle it on my own....
I am taking a good chunk of my sebrights to auction sat at the lewisburg one I have {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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to clean out my garage you saw how full it was lol. My turkey got attacked by the neighbors dog and she is gone now I have more guinea eggs for you if you wanna give it a shot. The dog also got my female guinea :( I called the animal control here in Marshall county and I still haven't gotten a call back so I guess I have to handle it on my own....

We would live to try the eggs. I can easily get you a pair of Turkeys as soon as I see what sex they are. If you ever decide to let go of a few silkies, my children fell in love and now really want some :) Do you want me to meet you at the sale for the eggs, or come over sometime?
I am off tomorrow she hid a nest by the garage. There is probably 10-20 eggs Most of those silkies are Roos, so I think we can let a couple go they do have great personalities though. Kinda like chicken dogs lol.

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