The Middle Tennessee Thread

We actually went in looking to see what they had....called in advance and they said RIR's and Orps, they didn't look, we got an americauna and a Wyandotte....they fit in well
Anyone have any fertilized eggs they are willing to donate (or sell at a reduced price) for a school hatching project? Our family has backyard chickens but since we are in the Nashville city limits we have no roosters. I will be doing a hatching project for my son's first grade class and am in need of some eggs to set in the bator.

Not particular on breed, however, it would be neat to be able to show the kids the different colors/sizes of eggs and variations in how the chicks look. My bator holds 40 or 41 eggs a I am looking to set on either April 22nd or 29th.

Happy to deliver the newly hatched chicks (once the eggs are all done) back to you if you like or we will find them homes. Not looking to sell them, just want to teach kids about life cycles and how cool chickens are. ;-)

Thanks in advance!!!

I'd happily donate if I had a rooster….hope you get some. They did that project at pre-school and the kids loved it!! I can imagine how much more 1st graders would learn from it. Good luck!

Just wanted to share the results of my recent bout of hatching madness. I have no idea how many chicks are in there, and there are more under broodies in my coop. Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Silkies and Sizzles.
Hey DMRippy- I've gotten quite a few blue partridge babies recently. I think that splash Silkie roo I got from you may be responsible for those little guys. I'd never gotten them before him, they're so stinking cute its ridiculous!
Hi all. I will be in the Nashville /Gallatin area tomorrow and looking for a few silkie pullets. Anyone have some extra?

Just wanted to share the results of my recent bout of hatching madness. I have no idea how many chicks are in there, and there are more under broodies in my coop. Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Silkies and Sizzles.
Hey DMRippy- I've gotten quite a few blue partridge babies recently. I think that splash Silkie roo I got from you may be responsible for those little guys. I'd never gotten them before him, they're so stinking cute its ridiculous!
Interesting..... I didn't know..... Is that throwing a kink in you breeding or are you just going with the partridge thing?

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