The Middle Tennessee Thread

Hello Middle Tennesseeans! I'm new to BYC and new to chicken ownership! I'm working on coop designs currently and hoping to get 3-4 pullets come spring. I live in Nashville. Any tips for chicken keeping in this area? Do you do anything special to help them out during our crazy hot summers?
Shade and a window fan on a timer here. Our coop is under oak trees so they have heavy shade in the hot months and sun in the cold ones. It's very helpful! I set up the fan once we reach 90F. I've frozen a container of water before to drop in their bucket waterer but it's so humid here that it can make quite the condensation mess. I save that trick for 100F+.
Hi all. Well. The two not so delightful legbar roos that we have raised from one month were rehomed yesterday. I use the term rehomed very, very loosely. They were highly aggressive and getting worse so I guess you can guess how it went. After they attacked my son and the dog, I caved. Sigh.

I want another roo. I do not care about breed, color or looks. I definitely care about not ever loosing another to someone's dinner table. (Sorry. I just don't raise them for that.) And I have to have one I can trust near my family. My son does not have to pick it up and hold it like his hens, but should not face flogging every time he exits the house...and the dog prefers her hair and flesh remain intact. Not asking for much, huh? Lol.

As roosters seem inclined to be overly abundant, I was hoping someone near me (Manchester, TN) might have a friendly roo that they need to rehome. Obviously, it would be a pet that was expected to eat, crow, fertilize eggs and entertain with Manly-Man Roo behavior.

Anybody have any candidates available? Thanks everyone.
Hi all. Well. The two not so delightful legbar roos that we have raised from one month were rehomed yesterday. I use the term rehomed very, very loosely. They were highly aggressive and getting worse so I guess you can guess how it went. After they attacked my son and the dog, I caved. Sigh.

I want another roo. I do not care about breed, color or looks. I definitely care about not ever loosing another to someone's dinner table. (Sorry. I just don't raise them for that.) And I have to have one I can trust near my family. My son does not have to pick it up and hold it like his hens, but should not face flogging every time he exits the house...and the dog prefers her hair and flesh remain intact. Not asking for much, huh? Lol.

As roosters seem inclined to be overly abundant, I was hoping someone near me (Manchester, TN) might have a friendly roo that they need to rehome. Obviously, it would be a pet that was expected to eat, crow, fertilize eggs and entertain with Manly-Man Roo behavior.

Anybody have any candidates available? Thanks everyone.

I think @2MooreChicks is closest to you, but don't know if she has any extra males at the moment...

I'm further away (south of Columbia area) but I have a black Ameraucana that would be ready for a new home soon... or if you're willing to wait, I can give you a pick of several breeds if you like and raise one specific for you... I have actually done that for a couple people here and they were extremely happy with the temperaments of the mature males... I am always growing out both pullets and cockerels of several breeds for picking out the best quality, so it's not a hardship...

Or @cree57i might have a nice male (Nashville area)...
@lumaie as it happens I do have an overabundance of Beilefelder cockerels that are yours for the taking. They are 4 months old and one of them is just now starting to crow. This is my first hatch of Beiles so I can't speak to the breed but they are supposed to be very mild mannered and these are sweet, my 7 year old picks them up like they are hens. They're still young but the guy I got them from claims they are the least aggressive roosters he's ever kept. PM if you want pics or have any questions. I have 5 and will only be keeping 2.
I have a few. Nobody here is aggressive. I have a 2 year old grandson that 'helps' me, so all my chickens have to be tolerant or leave.
Hi. I went to your facebook page. May I just say, "WOW." Your birds all look beautiful and well cared for, even the newly hatched. I love it. And I loved that the little ones were indeed involved!
Can you give me a price range on your roos? I know it would depend on the bird, but I am seriously not looking for a breeder so a $50.00+ roo is more than I can handle. For breeding, okay. Just to watch...not at this time.
Thank you so much for your time.

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