The Middle Tennessee Thread

I can't figure out how to get a quote to work so this in response to the bees topic.

After some digging on the state website it is like debid says, it is for inspections. I will pass on having any bees on my property if it requires allowing access to my property. Good information, thanks for sharing.
Folks, Trying to figure out Tomatoes for middle Tennessee. I like to grow a few beef steak, some early good slicers, one cherry or grape and paste tomatoes. I prefer Indeterminate plants. I bought plants last year from the co-op and they pretty much died off from the summer heat. In VA I had fruit from late March to Late October, so looking for ideas of what can tolerate our weather better.

In VA my early girls and Rutgers did well in early spring and fall, but not so much in the summer. Beef Steaks were great summer through fall and paste (Roma's) along with the cherry 1000s all season long.

So if you can offer any suggestions of varieties that do really well here, I'm very interested. Also looking for a good red and green bell pepper and a jalapeno variety.
@cree57i do you have any Silverudd Blue chicks available? I’m getting 10 chicks from Ideal on March 9th and would really like to add a couple of green layers.
Thanks, Medda
Thanks for asking! I am going to put some in the incubator later this week. The ones hatching today all have homes. I will post on my FB page when I have chicks. Svart hona and gold Frisian hatching in 2 weeks. They are white and cream egg layers though.
Folks, Trying to figure out Tomatoes for middle Tennessee. I like to grow a few beef steak, some early good slicers, one cherry or grape and paste tomatoes. I prefer Indeterminate plants. I bought plants last year from the co-op and they pretty much died off from the summer heat. In VA I had fruit from late March to Late October, so looking for ideas of what can tolerate our weather better.

In VA my early girls and Rutgers did well in early spring and fall, but not so much in the summer. Beef Steaks were great summer through fall and paste (Roma's) along with the cherry 1000s all season long.

So if you can offer any suggestions of varieties that do really well here, I'm very interested. Also looking for a good red and green bell pepper and a jalapeno variety.
I always liked the Parks OG-50; now also known as Whoppers. Indeterminant and heat tolerant. When I was truck farming, I would plant a second time in July so, new plants kept coming on. Snow peas need to be in now. Used to use Big Bertha peppers. Banana peppers do well too.
I don't know if they are indeterminate or not but I LOVE Matts Wild Cherry, Sweet Williams and Black cherry. Better boy are what my hubby loves and Cherokee purple. Brandywines.... clearly we like heirlooms. I grew mine in a bucket so they had a CONSTANT supply of water. I made a reservoir in the bottom of a litter bucket and planted in the top 2/3. The roots were SO LONG when I pulled them up in the fall. Typically tomatoes love the heat... water is a bigger issue and will cause them to split if too much and they love water....
I grow a variety of heirlooms and different ones do better in different years. The biggest challenge AFAIK is tomato wilt which is a fungal problem exacerbated by humidity. Allowing room between plants helps so avoid the temptation to crowd them. I also mulch the ever loving heck out of them to keep dirt from splashing up onto leaves and that helps with the moisture issue as well.
Any suggestions on where to buy pullets near Nashville? I am looking for 2 barred rocks and 2 golden comets in March/April. Also, where do folks buy feed locally (near Nashville) for egg-layers?
Any suggestions on where to buy pullets near Nashville? I am looking for 2 barred rocks and 2 golden comets in March/April. Also, where do folks buy feed locally (near Nashville) for egg-layers?
I get all my feed at Bonnies Barnyard in Arrington. Edwards has good feed in Lebanon too. I prefer Tuckers Feed.

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