The Moonshiner's Leghorns

I know nothing about Leghorns but they do look like a nice breed, hence why I was skimming through this thread :)

I just wanted to drop in and say I know the feeling when you spend time and effort with your birds, sell the hatching eggs or chicks only for the buyer to claim them as their own.

I'm starting to get a bit iffy since (mainly people that hatch the eggs) post photos of the chicks they hatch from my birds eggs saying "just hatched these chicks from my own flock" :barnie

Or people ask them where they got their eggs/chicks from and all of a sudden they "can't remember" or they say "just someone on eBay"...even though they do remember and I've never sold eggs on eBay :confused:

I put my eggs out there to try and get better known for my stock however sometimes that doesn't always go to plan.
Could someone please explain to me how 55 Flowery Leghorns are autosexing? Is the barring in the male covered by dominant white?
*Picture is from google*
They are mottled and barred duckwing so yes they are autosexing just like any crele type.
The mottling is what makes the males almost completely white but that really only comes into play later.
When they hatch they look like other autosexing chicks. At that stage the only effect the mottling has is making the bottom half of the chick white.
It takes time for the mottling to start effecting the whole pattern and it continues to add more white with maturity so the very white roosters do have a lot of color when young.
Interesting. I've never really paid attention to that variety before. I know I'm positively DREADING working with the mottling on Houdans. Mottling is very difficult to get right, it seems, because it changes with each molt, etc and I feel like, at least in the Houdans, people get so wrapped up in getting the mottling better that they completely ignored the rest of the bird. They just look like mottled Polish these days, it's terrible.

Have you seen that with Exchequer leghorns or other mottled patterns at all, @The Moonshiner ?

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