The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Clearly Bob has not met my turkey. He's only intelligent when it comes to food or chasing cars
My Delawares (when they were chubby little juveniles) would go up to me and beg food and water because they were too lazy to go to the food and water and they would peck my feet. Then testosterone hit tho. They they turned to big muscly handsome boys, not needy idiots. And tasty.
The difference between a CornishX and Delawares is honestly just that CX never get out of chickhood before butchering. It makes me wonder what their personality would be like if they weren’t physically impaired.
Does he have a name?
Originally it was Niles (the brother from Frasier), but my brother and his friends call him Churchill And my old coworker/neighbor calls him Larry after a customer that shares several characteristics with the bird.

I just call him Dude for the most part when talking with him
I lost my only leghorn, she was my baby. Do your leghorn lay white eggs? Wasn't sure if your experiments would effect egg color.
Sorry for your loss.
I've sourced a couple varieties that laid eggs with a slight brown tint so I eliminated them as I found them. I'm not using other breeds so mine lay white.
Since Mooney seems to tolerate it fairly well, I have a question for the seemingly large number of BC enthusiasts that follow this thread. Do Cochins truly lay as little as is published about them? 140/year?
Mine lay at least 6 days a week. The low number is do to being broody so often. Break them promptly if you're not hatching and you'll be fine.

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