The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

“Don’t blame yourself, it’ll get you no where,” Clary said, trudging up the stairs. “Think of it this way. This castle is extremely dangerous. Fred still would’ve found someway to get hurt, and if you weren’t there with him, he would be dead right now. See? It’s not your fault, and Blair shouldn’t be mad at you because of it. She should be thanking you. And that wasn’t putting us in danger. That was just being a bit unlucky. If anyone’s going to put us in danger, it won’t be you.” Clary said, glancing at Take out of the corner of her eye.

As Clary was talking he couldn't help but contradict everything she was saying in his head. Blaming myself will keep me from doing it again, or... I thought it would have. He might not have. It was my decision to go up the stairs and try to find another way around. Blair thanking me??

He huffed a sarcastic chuckle out his nose at that suggestion.

"I guess Kyle did bring us here, but he's not exactly going out of his way to put us in danger. At least I don't think so." He said unaware Clary had been talking about someone else.
“Mmm. I really don’t want to go home after this, I don’t want to face my brothers” Fred admitted
"Oh?" Colby's brow lifted. Sure, this whole thing was a completely awesome break from the comparable mundanity of everyday life, but not wanting to go home? "What's wrong with your brothers?"
"Oh?" Colby's brow lifted. Sure, this whole thing was a completely awesome break from the comparable mundanity of everyday life, but not wanting to go home? "What's wrong with your brothers?"
“They beat me up a lot. Throw basketballs at my head, I’m the nerd of the family and probably the least loved” Fred said
“They beat me up a lot. Throw basketballs at my head, I’m the nerd of the family and probably the least loved” Fred said
Colby's eyebrows got close to leaving his forehead. "Wow, that's really...not cool. Don't your parents intervene?"
“Mmm. I really don’t want to go home after this, I don’t want to face my brothers” Fred admitted

"Oh?" Colby's brow lifted. Sure, this whole thing was a completely awesome break from the comparable mundanity of everyday life, but not wanting to go home? "What's wrong with your brothers?"
Cam looked up at the boy who was wiping his helmety mop of brown hair out of his eyes as he pushed his glasses up. She decided to make up for her rudeness before. A grin spread across her face.
“Hey, if your brothers try to mess with you they’ll have me to deal with now,” she said, her dark eyes twinkling dangerously. The white of her knuckles showed through her skin as she balled one of her hands into a playful fist. “Have any potentially dangerous plants in your yard?” She flicked a messy braid out of her face.
Colby's eyebrows got close to leaving his forehead. "Wow, that's really...not cool. Don't your parents intervene?"
“No they have 6 other kids to look after. It’s probably the least of there worries” Fred sighed

Cam looked up at the boy who was wiping his helmety mop of brown hair out of his eyes as he pushed his glasses up. She decided to make up for her rudeness before. A grin spread across her face.
“Hey, if your brothers try to mess with you they’ll have me to deal with now,” she said, her dark eyes twinkling dangerously. The white of her knuckles showed through her skin as she balled one of her hands into a playful fist. “Have any potentially dangerous plants in your yard?” She flicked a messy braid out of her face.
“Thanks Cam” Fred offered her a smile
As Take climbed the stairs, almost more than halfway up, he could hear a faint buzzing noise.
If there’s freaking bees up here, I’m totally going to burst into flames..
He peered ahead of him and saw something black and round flying towards him. His eyes narrowed, to see what it really was.
It turned out to be a fly, hovering around him momentarily before Take flung a hand at it, “Get away” he hissed, and the fly retreated down the stairs.
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