The Most Important Message You Will Ever Hear

I believe in God. My Dad was a minister. I have fallen, and failed to get up. Thank you for sharing. Food for the soul. I do hope to be as close to God as I once was. Be well. Happy Easter.
He will pick you up if you ask Him to. His mercy is everlasting, His forgiveness is infinite. The only sin He can not forgive is the one we don't confess. Remember when Peter asked, how many times should I forgive, Lord, seven times? Jesus answered Seventy times seven. Could you keep track if somrone offended you 490 times? He was saying He does not keep count. Go to God and ask forgiveness. Jesus died to provide forgiveness for you. He will receive you. He will heal and restore you. You can be a new creation in Him. Ask me how I know. I too, have fallen. He has lifted me, and there is hope for you as well. Do not despair. Come to Jesus and be made whole.

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