THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

66 ?!?!?!?! 66 BYCers and counting have joined the mother's day hatch-a-long?!?!?!
WOW, I did NOT think we would have so many join up with so little time that I had to set this up!!
, and an old copy of the out-of-print Window Into An Egg which is also cool for kids, but more educational.
  • It will be during Week Three, so start looking through your pictures and get ready! (Limit of 3 pictures per participant)

Here are my favorite pictures. The first one my little Buff Orp is looking at me as if to say "NO WAY" to going out of the coop and near my dog.

My daughter went out to the coop with her Doctors kit to see why our chickens have not laid any eggs. She didn't seem to understand that "cockerel" means no eggs!

And this is my other dog, looking for a snack lol

I also have 2 broody hens right now setting on 8 eggs each. I also have another hen who is looking to go broody as she has now decided my bag of shavings is the perfect place for her to lay her eggs. She usually lays a clutch of 10-13 eggs before she sets. I thought my hen was the only one to choose the shavings bag I think it is cute.
66 ?!?!?!?! 66 BYCers and counting have joined the mother's day hatch-a-long?!?!?!
WOW, I did NOT think we would have so many join up with so little time that I had to set this up!!
A little overwhelming huh? But I have never done this before either. I thought it sounded fun! I wish I had chickens laying eggs because I would be totally happy to donate something as a prize!

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