THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Well, I'm in!
Got some shipped eggs yesterday... pulled out 18 fresh eggs from the 'frig and set whatever else laid between then and now, and ummm, I'll count them later.
Guess I'll be in the late hatcher section but since Java Girl set some about the same time as I, all is fine.

Most of the eggs are from my barnyard flock of mish mash hens all being wooed by a big splash orpington rooster. And the shipped eggs are Seramas... quite the contrast in egg size!

Over 4 more days till I candle.

no worries.. I set goose eggs this week and will be setting muscovys (hopefully tomorrow)... so I'm in the REALLY late hatcher section!
Here is my broody girl entry, this is Cornelia, she's sitting on 6 eggs right now. 2 Golden Comet/OE Game, 2 OE Game, and 2 mystery eggs. This is my second attempt at hatching as I am VERY new to all this!

finally home to take pictures of my eggs to enter for the contest! i put in 14 black and blue sumatra eggs from Showinbirds and 12 of my own from my mystery black skinned hen for 26 in total, the 2 with X's i'm incubating for someone else which are due to hatch next week.

I candled some eggs tonight. Not all of them but a few. Looks good so far. I am just counting down the days until they start getting arriving. Boy I just need to work on my chicken math some more.

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