THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

THe days before hatching are just as exciting as hatch day for sure!!! It's late Monday night and I too am anticipating the weekend and the hatching of shipped turkey eggs!! I have 4 good eggs, so there will be a buddy as long as 2 make it.
I'm so jealous! Everybody has broodies and incubators to hatch in....My incubator's packed for the Cinco de Mayo hatch along, two of my available broodies were eaten by foxes(along with all the eggs I set for this hatch!
)...and now, for this hatch, I only have 8 eggs left incubating in a toaster oven under a table in my room (ghetto I know)...lets hope they hatch!!

Ok, I came home today and I now have a broody hen
, I put four of the eight eggs under her, and left the other four in the toaster oven.
Don't worry, it's a reasonable question. There are a lot of variables in shipping eggs and fertility is usually not the reason for failure to hatch. Odds are if you have anything developing at all fertility is NOT the issue. I have had 5 sets of shipped eggs with a zero hatch but development did start in at least some of the eggs sent. The only time I contacted a seller is when nothing developed in the dozen they sent and another person confirmed they had nothing develop in the shipment prior to mine. This was early in the year and the seller, who had not done any test hatching of their own, refunded my money. As I accept the risk of shipping eggs I did not ASK them to do that. Most sellers will try to keep you happy especially if the problem is at least partly on their side.
Thanks for the feedback. That's what I've done and I'm pretty sure that it's really more of the shipment issue rather than anything else.... I'm sooooo grateful for all of the experience with these eggs and for all the help given to me. You're all wonderful.
Out of 30 eggs only 12 are growing. I've lost a couple even though they were indeed growing.

My younger eggs I have 11/18 growing. 4 Blue quail, 4 Quail, 2 MF/Por and 1 Silver quail. (day 6)

This is my day 10 candling for my first shippped eggs, Out of 12 -

3 Porcelain Clear since day 1.
1 porcelain quitter... pictured below.
1 MF questionable bloodring/quitter.
2 Porcelain thriving! Yay. 5 Millie Thriving.

So we have 7 of 12 still working on it! Very pleased with that! Sad about losing some though all the same...

Here is a picture I took of one of the quitters, so if anyone else needs to know what it looks like for their own education, if youre a first timer like me. The dark lines are actually red, showing blood ring and the clearly formed embryo has stopped growing as you can compared to its thriving sibbling in the next photo.

I set eggs Saturday night the 28th. Can I be in?? 20 BLRW in the bator. They do hatch a day early usually......

yes, you are on the list!!

Darn it!! I was a day late!! I set 27 eggs on the 29th!

Can I still join in but be a day late? I dont have to do be able to be in the contests I just would like to have someone to share the hatching experience with!!!

you are on the list!

Okay so saw this post and wondered if there has to be a mom with the babies and if they have to be chickens. This is only my second hatch ever and the second one this month. I am only fifteen so I am pretty excited after the first hatch. I hatch Ameracuna chicks and only had 15 hatch out of 20 and the others died in the shell.
I don't understand the Q? are you talking about having broody hens or are you talking about the story contest?

Weird candling question...
I candled my duck eggs tonight. All 16 have moving ducklings in there. But in 5 or 6 I saw dark spots. I'm not sure how to describe them. I've never seen them in chicken eggs before. They are not part of the duck. They are not part of the vascularization. I'm wondering if I can see bacteria growing in the egg??? These spots remind me of mold on cheese. Anybody have any idea what I'm talking about?!
pics may help us help you.

I am SSOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THe days before hatching are just as exciting as hatch day for sure!!! It's late Monday night and I too am anticipating the weekend and the hatching of shipped turkey eggs!! I have 4 good eggs, so there will be a buddy as long as 2 make it.

That does sound exciting cant wait to see your babies
Out of 30 eggs only 12 are growing. I've lost a couple even though they were indeed growing.

My younger eggs I have 11/18 growing. 4 Blue quail, 4 Quail, 2 MF/Por and 1 Silver quail. (day 6)

This is my day 10 candling for my first shippped eggs, Out of 12 -

3 Porcelain Clear since day 1.
1 porcelain quitter... pictured below.
1 MF questionable bloodring/quitter.
2 Porcelain thriving! Yay. 5 Millie Thriving.

So we have 7 of 12 still working on it! Very pleased with that! Sad about losing some though all the same...

Here is a picture I took of one of the quitters, so if anyone else needs to know what it looks like for their own education, if youre a first timer like me. The dark lines are actually red, showing blood ring and the clearly formed embryo has stopped growing as you can compared to its thriving sibbling in the next photo.

Thanks for the photos! Great to compare the blood ring egg to the normal thriving egg. I would not have seen this as a blood ring-- and left it to continue ; now I know better!

FOr those interested in expanding your incubation efforts-- The CInco de Mayo thread is primarily turkey eggs. Turkey eggs were set on Easter Sunday , incubate 28 days and voila poults. I expect you will see lots of pics if you tune in next week. I find the turkeys the same to incubate and need a little more care as poults, but not a big stretch for experienced chicken people, and the turkeys are hilarious. Much like a big goofy dog.
YES!! Im on the list!!! My incubator eggs and my broody hen eggs are due to hatch on May 20th!!
I know I have a while to wait but I am already counting down the days.

My hen has 8 under her and the incubator has 22 eggs in it! So that makes 30 eggs total! Not sure which of the DOM eggs are fertile though since the ladies rooster got sick a few weeks before I got my eggs.
Out of 30 eggs only 12 are growing. I've lost a couple even though they were indeed growing.

My younger eggs I have 11/18 growing. 4 Blue quail, 4 Quail, 2 MF/Por and 1 Silver quail. (day 6)

This is my day 10 candling for my first shippped eggs, Out of 12 -

3 Porcelain Clear since day 1.
1 porcelain quitter... pictured below.
1 MF questionable bloodring/quitter.
2 Porcelain thriving! Yay. 5 Millie Thriving.

So we have 7 of 12 still working on it! Very pleased with that! Sad about losing some though all the same...

Here is a picture I took of one of the quitters, so if anyone else needs to know what it looks like for their own education, if youre a first timer like me. The dark lines are actually red, showing blood ring and the clearly formed embryo has stopped growing as you can compared to its thriving sibbling in the next photo.

Great comparison..yes, sadly, I've seen that a few times in my hatching days. The good egg, ahem, no pun intended...looks like where mine are that are due to go into lock down next Tues. Mine might be a bit bigger. Silkie eggs..I really do expect them to hatch a day earlier than the due date.

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