THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Looks like I'm down to 3 out of 7. I tossed 2 clears, 1 looks like a clear but I'm leaving it for a couple more days, and 1 of the silkies has a blood ring -_-

Here's hoping the 3 continue to grow!
Candled tonight.
Orpingtons day 8
6 look good, one clear, one ring of death.
Ameraucana day 3?
I think 5 may be developing, one clear,
one I can't see through the shell.
Got more eggs in the mail
Appen. Spitz. , mottled Jave, Cream legbar.

This is addicting.
You are very right.. it is addicting..
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i need help, i tried incubating 42 eggs, only 18 hatched. i kept the temp at 100 and humidity stays around 40 to 50 degree until lock down and then i raised it to 70%. what am i doing wrong?
40-50 % RH is suitable for the ROOM the incubator is in. The % RH INSIDE the incubator is usually less if you follow the dry hatching method. I do the dry hatch method. If you are in a desert area you do need to add water-but I will assume you are not in a dry desert area.

THis is a summary of Bill WOrrels work. Note that not all incubators function well doing the dry hatching method. You MUST candle the eggs to verify the growth of the air cell.

The growth of the aircell can be come too big and the egg is too dry ; this is also a problem and chicks don't hatch well. Candling is a basic method and any flashlight will do.

Good general hatching info for a first timer. Has a diagram of an air cell. Good to copy and put with candler for air cell checking.
Can you get the 40% lower as you need to do 4days of drying in about 1 day?

THe eggs will conitnue to dry down during loackdown IF the humidity is kept low ( do not add water) until you hear a peep. Take monitoring. Here is air cell pic to compare to.

A diagram of an air cell. Good to copy and put with candler for air cell checking.
Here are 2 pictures taken last night, this isn't a big egg so you can see the size of the egg in the pic with light and where the air cell is. I already added water last night and locked down. I won't be able to reduce humidity until I get home at 5 tonight. Looks like the air cells are close to the 18 day diagram in most of the eggs. This was one of the smaller cells. Do you think I should reduce humidity when I get home tonight? Some cells were bigger than this and all eggs have live embryos.
If this is one of the smaller air cells you are in better shape than I was thinking. Is this air cell in the pic on it side?? That is likely to be a problem for this chick. Or is it a loose aircell??
If this is one of the smaller air cells you are in better shape than I was thinking. Is this air cell in the pic on it side?? That is likely to be a problem for this chick. Or is it a loose aircell??
It's a little off center on the large end of the egg, not moving, uniform circle. I was holding the egg in the exact same position for both pics so you could see how big the egg is compared to the cell.
Quote: Sorry the second pic looks black--I applied my special technique to see the egg and air cell. A little small and should be larger.

What kind of incubator? Styrofoam? If so and water is in the wells, water absorbed into the foam will take a few days to dry out. If the other eggs are in good shape, don't sacrifice the majority to save one.
Darn all the candlers. I tried to candle my pullet eggs...which are olive eggers...and I can barely make out the aircell! This could be a good for me though, cuz I like to candle frequently.

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