THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Well I'm out of the hatch.... my BBS English Orps have all been pitched. Very sad night last night and I'm getting over it slowly. It's yukky and I'm trying to find out where I went wrong. Got some new thermometers and hoping that it's the temp that was wrong. So far it appears that was a possible. I'm going to try the dry method this time around...... We'll see, maybe it's a need to change everything. It was my first time after all. Did I have to start with my very very favorites? Couldn't start with Trader Joe's could I? aarrrrgh.... will hang around to see you all hatch!!
Do try again!!!
Ok well maybe you guys can help me!

My grandparents were mowing their hayfield yesterday and disturbed a Turkey hen and her 6 eggs. Well they brought me the eggs and said "Hatch them"
I felt terrible for the mother hen but the eggs would have been destroyed if they hadnt gotten them. I candled them and they all are growing! Although they werent warm when I got them. I saw no blood rings and there are still veins.

When I candled them the air cells look good and about half the egg if full the rest looks like yolk. Any guesses on what day they could be? I know they incubate for 28 days and I have 20 chicken eggs supposed to hatch on the 20th.

All the eggs were growing and like I said it looked like half the egg was filled up with a mass. One was moving I dont know whether it was from me moving the egg or there was chick inside.

What do you guys think? Any info on turkey hatching is greatly appreciated!
Ok well maybe you guys can help me!

My grandparents were mowing their hayfield yesterday and disturbed a Turkey hen and her 6 eggs. Well they brought me the eggs and said "Hatch them"
I felt terrible for the mother hen but the eggs would have been destroyed if they hadnt gotten them. I candled them and they all are growing! Although they werent warm when I got them. I saw no blood rings and there are still veins.

When I candled them the air cells look good and about half the egg if full the rest looks like yolk. Any guesses on what day they could be? I know they incubate for 28 days and I have 20 chicken eggs supposed to hatch on the 20th.

All the eggs were growing and like I said it looked like half the egg was filled up with a mass. One was moving I dont know whether it was from me moving the egg or there was chick inside.

What do you guys think? Any info on turkey hatching is greatly appreciated!
does this help? (the numbers correspond to the days of incubation)

So sorry, jandrusrn and karimw.

What do you guys think? Any info on turkey hatching is greatly appreciated!
I think you should head over to the Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatchalong thread. They're all turkeys hatching turkeys over there!
Seriously, there are a lot of experienced turkey hatchers there and they have been explaining a lot to the newbies. Their chicks are hatching this weekend, so they would probably welcome the distraction during the last stretch of waiting! Arielle is over there, too. Not sure who else from this thread.
So sorry, jandrusrn and karimw.

I think you should head over to the Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatchalong thread. They're all turkeys hatching turkeys over there!
Seriously, there are a lot of experienced turkey hatchers there and they have been explaining a lot to the newbies. Their chicks are hatching this weekend, so they would probably welcome the distraction during the last stretch of waiting! Arielle is over there, too. Not sure who else from this thread.

I am!

my last poult just hatched.. just waiting on the last chicken egg now...

and yeah.. I am one of the turkeys hatching turkeys!.. (and geese, emus, ducks, muscovys, chickens, quail...occasionally guineas and peafowl.... lol)
Ok well maybe you guys can help me!

My grandparents were mowing their hayfield yesterday and disturbed a Turkey hen and her 6 eggs. Well they brought me the eggs and said "Hatch them"
I felt terrible for the mother hen but the eggs would have been destroyed if they hadnt gotten them. I candled them and they all are growing! Although they werent warm when I got them. I saw no blood rings and there are still veins.

When I candled them the air cells look good and about half the egg if full the rest looks like yolk. Any guesses on what day they could be? I know they incubate for 28 days and I have 20 chicken eggs supposed to hatch on the 20th.

All the eggs were growing and like I said it looked like half the egg was filled up with a mass. One was moving I dont know whether it was from me moving the egg or there was chick inside.

What do you guys think? Any info on turkey hatching is greatly appreciated!
Look at the chart Yinepu posted to get an estimate on dates, then you could put them in with your other eggs. , these may need to continue longer than the 20th but what do you have to loose given the unexpected circumstances.
I'm finally caught up after candling 2x I am down to 115 eggs not counting the 3 goose eggs bantam amers. Blue polish blue sizzles Serama and silkie eggs that I set after.

Kvmommy is that mohawk chick from eggs I sent you? We found out we have a surprise polish barred rock roo in our flock who has since been caught!

This has been a great thread so much information. I am doing a dry hatch in the redwood bator not adding water and the humidity is below 30 and I have better development on shipped eggs than ever before.

I started with 153 - 18 test silkie pen eggs. ( I know they count in final total) but I figured they weren't fertile when I put them in. 145-115 130/145 if I was any good at math I could figure out the % well if I even. Could find the calculator. :rolleyes:
Look at the chart Yinepu posted to get an estimate on dates, then you could put them in with your other eggs. , these may need to continue longer than the 20th but what do you have to loose given the unexpected circumstances.

also.. if you are running a forced air bator.. dry incubate (assuming your home has about 50% humidity going on) and go with 99.5 degrees until you see the first internal pip.. then drop their temp down to 98 or 98.5 and raise the humidity as high as you can get it.. 80% is what you need to aim for if possible...
Crazypetlady, yep those eggs were from you! LOL so they are polish crosses! Like I said, I don't mind at all, it just surprised me. They came out with full beards and looking very pure, but then their beards weren't growing much and then these black spikes growing out of their heads! LOL, I can't wait to see what they look like when they're full grown. They also are a little flighty compared to other ameracaunas I hatched. Those and the polish already fly. Can't keep them in the brooder box, and find them roosting all over my pool shed. DH is not happy about the poop on the pool equipment. LOL But none of the other breeds fly. Just the polish and ameracaunas. I'm gonna die laughing if they grow up looking like ameracaunas with poofs on their heads.
Well my broody got bullied off her nest sometime yesterday .... So when I went down to feed them this morning her 4 eggs were ice cold and she was sitting on the decoy broody nest I set up for my other cochin bantam who is thinking about going broody.... I took them upstairs and put them in the incubator. The silkie egg was clear but the Marans eggs are so dark that I can not see into them.... So I'm down from 4 under broody to at least 3 probably 0...... So hard being the lowest chicken in the pecking order.... She just wants to be a mommy poor thing

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