THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

AS of yesterday I only had unhatched eggs in the Sportsman. A little while ago I figured since I have so much to do I'd go ahead and lockdown. Opened the door and
rotten egg! Figures it was in the last tray. So I'm pulling trays out and hear a peep. One lone chick all the way in the back of the bator! He wasn't there last night. I also about cried when I saw a poult had pipped and died. I left the other 2 turkey eggs just in case. THEEEEN! I look at the 3 quail eggs I had in there and one was zipped. He's out drying now. I tried putting the little chick in the brooder, but they are pecking his feet and face. He looks perfect, so I doubt there's something wrong, but my cute little babies are bullies! I have one little Cochin/OEGB in there, so I'll put that ine in with him for company. It got close to taking my grand daughter to school (was actually late since I was trying to get rotten egg off my hands) and didn't candle, so I'm going to do that in a bit and see what should really be there.
I feel worried that my lock down is wrong... But Its not, I've read and re-read everything about it.

The first ones (6) went into lock down on wen. morning early. I stopped the turner, they went from 38-40% Humidity to 49-50% and still at 99 Degrees. This is correct right? I'm suppose to just leave them alone right?

UGH... WORRIED! Tomorrow is suppose to be hatch day.
For lockdown you should try to get your humidity up to 60-65%
Here's my entry for kids and chicks pic, this is my son Tucker who is 22 months old. He LOVES the chicks, turkey poults, and ducklings!!! Here he is holding a blue slate/royal palm poult we hatched a few days ago.
Oh gosh he's just so cute, gets my vote for cutest kid and fowl!
My little hen was given 7 eggs to sit on April 26 & last night I looked there were 8! Ha ha, my EE hen decided to squeeze into the nesting box and leave an extra egg for her friend. Lucky for me her egg is blue & I only gave my little hen brown eggs---so it was easy to take out the new egg.
I guess I need to put her in a place where the other hens can't get into her box. Should I keep her away from her flock? I kind of assumed once the chicks come that I need to move her anyway. I am kind of new at this.
Here is a pic of my eggs:

Only about a week to go and I have not candled these eggs, I guess I better try so I can get any duds out but I am afraid to find out they are all bad---very disappointing if that happens. Plus I never can really see anything with a flashlight. Any advice?
Have you got an extra sponge, or even a clean dish cloth, or wash cloth..soak it, and hurry and set it in..I have a 1588 too..I get my humidity up to 65/66. :)
Thank you, I took a washcloth and got it wet and rolled it up so it would fit along the edge of the incubator and it came up to 62%, will this be enough or should I stick one more in? I am afraid since this brought it up about 10% that if I add another it will be to high.
Thank you, I took a washcloth and got it wet and rolled it up so it would fit along the edge of the incubator and it came up to 62%, will this be enough or should I stick one more in? I am afraid since this brought it up about 10% that if I add another it will be to high.
62% should be fine! Good luck with your hatch!!
62% should be fine! Good luck with your hatch!!

Thanks, we are so nervous with this being our first hatch. But also very excited. I hope if all the chicks hatch we can find good homes quickly or my husband is going to kill me. We agreed no more chickens until next year. Now we have 39 that have made it to day 19! We definitely were not expecting that many to make it. Although he did approve of the whole incubator project so maybe the last laugh will be on him!
All five chicks have hatched out. I think however there is a problem with one. There seems to be a fleshy bulge in the rear. Not knowing much about chick anatomy I can't say it's coming from the vent. I can see a yellowish nub then behind that is this other part. Is there anything to be done or is this just one of those unfortunate things that can happen. Should I wait as see if something imporves, do something or cull the chick now. It is the next to last hatchling, is still in the incubator and is still wet.
Thank you, I took a washcloth and got it wet and rolled it up so it would fit along the edge of the incubator and it came up to 62%, will this be enough or should I stick one more in? I am afraid since this brought it up about 10% that if I add another it will be to high.

sounds good, now to keep that cloth wet enough to keep it there. I use the little plug in front to put water in...I also have mine unplugged at this time.

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