THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

All five chicks have hatched out.  I think however there is a problem with one.  There seems to be a fleshy bulge in the rear.  Not knowing much about chick anatomy I can't say it's coming from the vent.  I can see a yellowish nub then behind that is this other part.  Is there anything to be done or is this just one of those unfortunate things that can happen.  Should I wait as see if something imporves, do something or cull the chick now.  It is the next to last hatchling, is still in the incubator and is still wet.

Sometimes the umbilical area protrudes a little, sometimes even more than a little....I had one that looked like innerds were coming out, i was pretty dried up within the first 2 days and was fine after it scabbed over and the chick is totally normal now at a few weeks old....could that be it? Under the vent more down at the bottom of its belly. The yellowish nub sounds right---sometimes a little yolky stuff even leaks out right there...You could post a pic if you are not sure--
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Oh for Pete's sake, today is supposed to be lock down for me! I have them in the bator I wanted to lock down it, but, didn't raise the humidity as high as I wanted, in was trying to get it down a bit, thinking tomorrow was lock down. Well, they only got turned once..this morning..which I would have done I should be fine..getting that humidity up higher than 55 though! I've been watching my other eggs that are in lock down and due to hatch too involved with those! No pips yet...just hangnin over the bator!!
Quote: Sooo Cuuuute!

Alright ive got the Humidity up to 60% now. I really hope these hatch :(
Good luck!

All five chicks have hatched out. I think however there is a problem with one. There seems to be a fleshy bulge in the rear. Not knowing much about chick anatomy I can't say it's coming from the vent. I can see a yellowish nub then behind that is this other part. Is there anything to be done or is this just one of those unfortunate things that can happen. Should I wait as see if something imporves, do something or cull the chick now. It is the next to last hatchling, is still in the incubator and is still wet.
If i'm not sure, I give them a week or two to see how the chick progresses. I'm an optimist and I hate culling!
I put 20 eggs into lockdown this morning. Went to check temp & humidity a few minutes ago and I have a pip!! It is one of the little muttling bantams that I am raising up for my dad. I guess it is eager to meet its public :)
Thanks for the reply La Casa. After the last chick was dry and reasonably steady I moved it to the brooder and then got Bulgie out and really check it over. I see the vent closer up toward the tail. The bulge is slightly forward of that and seems somewhat smaller. This chick is stll very unsteady and keeps thrashing around and flipping over. Even though is is several hours older than the final hatchling who steadied up much more quickly. I think I'll clean all the bits of egg shell out of the incubator (Brinsea mini ) and leave this one alone for a bit longer. Hopefully it will seem more together later in the evening and can move out with the rest of the gang. Does that sound reasonable? I can't get a decent in focus picture. Guess my arms are to short to hold the chick in one hand get enough distance for a clear picture. Thanks again for the info.
Oh for Pete's sake, today is supposed to be lock down for me! I have them in the bator I wanted to lock down it, but, didn't raise the humidity as high as I wanted, in was trying to get it down a bit, thinking tomorrow was lock down. Well, they only got turned once..this morning..which I would have done I should be fine..getting that humidity up higher than 55 though! I've been watching my other eggs that are in lock down and due to hatch too involved with those! No pips yet...just hangnin over the bator!!
That's where I've been, too! Keeping the dated straight is confusing for me . Though this go round I'm trying to dry the eggs down more. THe dry incubatin method has not dried these eggs as much as usual. AND . . . .I forgot that olive eggs and cuckoo marans are in the marans family with that dark coating that seems to seal the eggs, on shipped eggs anyway. I spent a few minutes sanding some of the eggs. More to do later.
The "Chicks 'N Kids" (or is it "Kids 'N Chicks"? Apparently I don't know.) page is up! Go check it out and think about who you want to vote for this weekend!

I'm still collecting pics - I love them all, so keep them coming! Between the pics for this contest and the little chick pictures which will start showing up soon enough, we'll be in cuteness overload! Please PM me if I missed your submission. If I did, it was completely accidental.

Today is Day 18, so it's time to lockdown as many of you are already doing!
So, today, I noticed two of my six eggs rocking when they heard my voice!! So exciting! I have never actually seen eggs rock that before..cheeps, yes, but never rocking until they had actually pipped. One rocked around enough to almost completely turn itself. Also, I think i started hearing them cheep, but I can't tell if it's just my ears playing tricks on me or not. Can they peep before they break into the aircell?

Going to start lockdown in a couple minutes, I completely forgot that today was day 18!!! eeeee...I can't wait till Sunday!I do hope that more than 2 hatch though, heh. But at least it looks like I've got two! *crosses fingers that everything goes alright in the hatching process*
sounds good, now to keep that cloth wet enough to keep it there. I use the little plug in front to put water in...I also have mine unplugged at this time.
I don't have the plug out, should I have it out? I don't know how I would keep the humidity up with it out. I put the cloth right along the side so I can get to it with barely opening the lid. Thank you for your advice it has been really helpful.

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