THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

My "early bird" Mother's day chicks. Five hatched but one had what I will call neurological problems. I just hated culling the little thing but it was just so pitiful.
The far left chick is solid black and the next one has a white spot on the head. I'm thinking those might be from a BR hen. The two little tiny ones on the right have light markings in the black and light undersides. Thinking those may be SLW.

Think I may head over to the incubators anonamous thread. Thursday I traded soap for some BLRW and Lav. Orp eggs.
Nice... soap for eggs. I love it. I'll have tomatoes and fresh cucumbers soon... will that work? My eight year old daughter drives me nuts enough to trade her once in a while... what about that??? Hey... this may work. Good thing I'm already on the IA thread. (dropping head and looking for a meeting) "Hello my name's Jane and I'm a hatchaholic".... HELLO JANE!
Whew... rules of safety. got it... lockdown at my house will for sure mean just that. ha!
I had to tell one girl (and her husband) to duct tape their bator shut.. they had the eggs out.. gave the pipped ones to their kids to take next door to show the neighbor's kids.. then ended up playing with the pipped eggs in the grass... *sighs*
in the mean time they somehow shut off the bator.. needless to say the eggs were getting cold and dried out.. I really wanted to super glue their fingers together ....
Nice... soap for eggs. I love it. I'll have tomatoes and fresh cucumbers soon... will that work? My eight year old daughter drives me nuts enough to trade her once in a while... what about that??? Hey... this may work. Good thing I'm already on the IA thread. (dropping head and looking for a meeting) "Hello my name's Jane and I'm a hatchaholic".... HELLO JANE!
if you only have one bator.. you are not a hatchaholic......................


My chicks are hatching :weee. I set them Saturday after noon and they started hatching Friday morning. That is only late 19 early 20 day. One seems small but I think the eggs were on the small size. I have about 10 more or so with pips in them.

Hey, I had one chick on its back so I had ds turn it over and remove the big shells, is that ok?

They had to start hatching today. Yesterday the cows broke into the coop our big chickens and destroyed it. It was raining yesterday so we waited until today to fix most things. We also had to grind more feed for our feathered friends.
if they are chickens they should be fine.. though when you get back they will need to have their beaks dipped into the water to get them to drink and you will need to make sure they are eating

some other species wouldn't last that long
Thanks I was paniced so I waited till they dried. Any other will have to hold out till Sunday.

Happy Hatching and Happy Mother's Day to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks I was paniced so I waited till they dried. Any other will have to hold out till Sunday.

Happy Hatching and Happy Mother's Day to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well.. a lot of hatcheries will hatch chicks out in the morning (or the night before).. then sort them and box them up to ship out.. it can take several days to get to their location. their yolk can last them a good 3 days easy (chickens)
I like to get feed and water into mine way before that.. but they are designed to last several days on the absorbed yolk

critters like quail and muscovys are another matter.. quail need to get food into them within 24 hours since they have such high metabolisms..and muscovy ducklings have an underdeveloped adrenal system so they need water sooner than other types of waterfowl
Well I have been in town for a while. I came home to find 2 chicks 3 pipping and one that had pipped and died. We are a day early hatching. I hope to get a lot more pipping going on.
Ok today is hatch day for me. I had four out when I woke up this morning. 2 EE/NHR, 1 EE/SLW, and 1 Black Australorpe. Now there are two more out. Another BA and a golden duckwing aracauna. I have a pure EE zipping and a couple other pipped.

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