THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Day 14 for the bator eggs and my broody!! Only 7 more days!! I cant wait! This week is going to be a long one I can feel it!
It will all be worth it though, hopefully!
Looks like I inadvertently have a mother's day chick who hatched. I set several of my own Araucana eggs to incubate, only three made it this far. One just kicked off its shell completely on a few minutes ago. The other two have pipped!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone!! I got home from town and found a new fuzzy butt in the incubator. It is from some eggs I got from ebay. Not sure what kind. It is black.
Hey where are all the chick pic's. Most should have hatched yesterday. I had only one hatched as of this morning, and no other pips, before I left for work this morning. Question....what is a sizzle?

A frizzled silkie. This is my chicken although it is the previous owners picture.
WIll you have an opportunity to set other eggs with the same breeding that broke? I hope you can. I learned during this hatch a thon that the egg shells become more brittle because the calcium goes to the chicks to make the bones etc.So that will be the one more likely to break. GLad the broody has been mored and you can relax a bit.
I was given these eggs & I have no idea what they are. Someone gave my daughter's friend 59 eggs to hatch for her since she has had no luck doing so. His incubator only holds 42 so he gave my daughter 17 eggs. My broodie is a little silkie cross and I thought 17 was too many for her to sit on. I took 7 for her and gave a friend the other 10 so her kids could hatch them (they bought an incubator just for these eggs).
I still have 6 mystery chicks coming

That makes sense about the calcium but I had not idea they took it from the shell. I assumed they got everything from the yoke. Little do I know.
I checked on the hen and she is sitting and happy. That is my good news since I moved her & it could have upset her. Just too much going on at once here.
Okay, my frailest eggs made it to lockdown, the little silkie eggs, 11 are now in lockdown...I really enjjoyed using the old metal brower but now the babies are in the cabinet hatcher while I'm playing turn the egg with another mixed hatch..... Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have some reports for you all!!! Enjoyed this so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy
I candled eggs last night for lock down today......out of 38 eggs, 20 were not fertile!!! I am so bummed out!! 6 of the remaining eggs are maran's & I can't tell if they are fertile or not so those numbers could be even higher! These eggs are going to hatch on or around my birthday this week & I was hoping for oodles & oodles of fuzz butts, but now I'll be lucky to get 18.
So bummed out!!

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