THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Here are my four baby Silkies.
So Adorable!!
Lockdown is tomorrow night for me, so I went ahead and candled all the eggs that I had marked as blanks and they were :( so I took out 12 eggs.... I'm sure there will be a few more tomorrow at lockdown but the Marans are so hard to see into!

Congrats to everyone on their new babies can't wait for mine to get here!!
Okay, my frailest eggs made it to lockdown, the little silkie eggs, 11 are now in lockdown...I really enjjoyed using the old metal brower but now the babies are in the cabinet hatcher while I'm playing turn the egg with another mixed hatch..... Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have some reports for you all!!! Enjoyed this so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy
Yay!! Sooo exciting.... your beauties are being cared for by lovin hands here in sunny Southern California!
Lockdown is tomorrow night for me, so I went ahead and candled all the eggs that I had marked as blanks and they were
so I took out 12 eggs.... I'm sure there will be a few more tomorrow at lockdown but the Marans are so hard to see into!
Congrats to everyone on their new babies can't wait for mine to get here!!
AAGGJG..... 12??? oOOOOhhhhh nOOOOO!

So sorry. I'm waiting to hear what's happening for you and your eggs... we've gotta stick together. We put the same covering on the bottom of our incubator as you have.... and when we did that, my hubby (bless his heart) used the temperature controller to lift the top....when he did that (against my wishes I may add.... ) it went up. Went out last evening, and when we got home, they were waaay too hot. **sigh** All is turned down, evened out and fine today, but who knows what damage has been done. Poor guy has actually lost sleep.

We'll see..
AAGGJG..... 12??? oOOOOhhhhh nOOOOO!

So sorry.  I'm waiting to hear what's happening for you and your eggs... we've gotta stick together.  We put the same covering on the bottom of our incubator as you have.... and when we did that, my hubby (bless his heart) used the temperature controller to lift the top....when he did that (against my wishes I may add.... ) it went up.  Went out last evening, and when we got home, they were waaay too hot.  **sigh**  All is turned down, evened out and fine today, but who knows what damage has been done.  Poor guy has actually lost sleep.

We'll see..

Oh no how hot is way too hot and for how long?? From what I've read I think your eggs should be ok! Tell your husband to get some sleep. What day are you on?

I'll update tomorrow when I lockdown.

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