THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I have 2 pips !!!!

Seems like a strange place to pip?
The air cells were big so I hope it's ok
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Well, I had 11 of 11 hatch!! 11 of 12 went into lockdown,the one never developed, so 100% hatch rate!!

lol.. I figure hatch rate a bit differently.. I take the number of eggs I set and then how many of those that hatched...

if I went with the number that went into lockdown then out of 13 shipped BLRW that I set... since only 2 made it to lockdown (11 clears) and hatched that would give me 100% hatch rate by your way of doing it.. when in my mind I only got a 15% hatch rate on those eggs since I SET 13 and only 2 hatched

granted your way sounds nicer.. but I think my way gives me a better idea of egg fertility, damage from shipping (if eggs were shipped) and my overall incubation... especially when I am testing out a new bator

my little mutts had 100% hatch rate .. set 4 and 4 hatched

when I get my normal 90 to 100% hatch rate on my own eggs.. that missing 10% usually accounts for fertility.. so it tells me if I need to add another roo to a breeding pen or remove a few hens
I have 2 pips !!!!

Seems like a strange place to pip?
The air cells were big so I hope it's ok

You name the location, I've had a chick pip; except for at the top of the aircell end of the egg. Always does seem strange when it's not textbook.

Quote: x2, I calculate this way too so I can see if the roosters are on the job, if handling hurt them, etc. I want to know the WHOLE picture. And clears don't necessarily mean not fertile in my book; I need to see a lack of bulls eye on some samples to verify that.
Quote: THanks Java GIrl!!!
Looking forward to the next hatch a long; much more fun with others!!
There are 2 different ways
Hatch or fertile. Wich tells how your incubating skills are
Hatchability. Which tells how your fertility and storage is

I'm talking overall hatch rate.. which encompasses EVERYTHING:

storage (assuming eggs were stored)
damage in shipping (if the eggs were shipped)
as well as incubator function or malfunction (incubators and hatchers can fail on their own)
Murphy's Law (power outages, earthquakes, a cat knocking down the incubator and so on)
and incubation and hatching skills (human error)

it's up to us to determine which of those played a part in the success or failure of any specific hatch.. by looking at the overall hatch rate plus taking everything into consideration it's pretty easy to see which part needs improvement or correction

as a note... Commercial hatcheries have to consider everything as well... they need to be able to pinpoint exactly what went wrong in any given hatch.. if they set 10,000 eggs in one incubator.. and out of those only 2,000 hatched they can't claim a 100% hatch rate (they also don't candle the eggs as they are moved to the hatcher... when the eggs get transferred from incubator trays to hatching trays only exploded eggs are removed.. everything else goes into the hatcher)

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