THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I'm up to 15 that have hatched, two more are pipped and four that haven't done anything yet. Seven out of my 11 Marans hatched, and so far 8 of the 12 Olive Eggers have hatched.

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My incubator temp went low the last 5 days and the thermometer was showing a higher temp in the bater than it actually was. I lost my last 6 completely developed Mothers Day babies
I went down to feed my girls this morning and my broody had moved nests.... :( I had just built her a little lean-to shelter on Sunday and given her back the best darkest Marans eggs and lavender silkie... Yep I'm that kind of idiot. Well there was a small gap in the screen on the side and she squeezed out while I was at work and decided to sit on 1 Newley laid egg... The girls have been laying in the early afternoon so she's been off that for more the 12 hours .... They were ice cold and I'm sure dead.... So there go my 4 best eggs.... Sob... Sob ... Sob ...

I locked down my other eggs last night .... I tossed one more and 3 or 4 others look suspect but I left them in there just in case.... With the way my luck is going nothing will hatch. Stupid work getting in the way of my chicken sitting. I left 2 surely dead silkie eggs under popcorn .... So here is my question.... Should I give her eggs when they pip?? Or wait and put chicks under her?? I guess if I close that gap I could give her some eggs.... And she won't get confused hmmmmmm.
Mothers Day must have been inspirational to my flock:

I had a Royal Palm and a Narraganset hen sharing a basket to lay, then they decided to stay put and were joined by a Lav Ameraucana and an Icelandic. Not sticking MY arm in that hissing pile of grumpy lady birds!

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