THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I love seeing all of the adorable chicks!
I am so sorry for the chicks that were lost due to incubators and silly broodies.

The Kids 'N Chicks Contest is concluded! The votes are in, and the the winner is....






Kvmommy!!!!! for the picture of her sweet son sitting with his little chick!

Thank you, kvmommy, for sharing this sweet picture! If you PM me your address, I will send you your books.
Thank you everyone who participated. I loved all of the pictures.
Wow thats nice! Do they hatch as good as they look? Lol Its much more pleasing to the eye then my LG styrofoam bator.
I have much better hatches in it than in any other manufactured bator.. the main thing is you need to learn how to use it

the main tips I can give you are...
measure temps at shelf level and ignore the display
I incubate on the top shelf and hatch on a lower shelf.. perfect temperature gradient for doing it that way
pay attention to the air cells and adjust humidity IF needed (dry incubating in mine for most types of birds... but it's been a rainy spring.. so you would have to adjust as needed)
be sure to open the door a lot.. (like several times a day) even during lockdown since the bator doesn't have the typical vents

i know msheets (a member here) used an aquarium air pump with airline tubing through the crack of the door to add extra air.. not sure if she drilled a hole or just what.. but I find that opening the door a lot does the job just fine

Chris from Reptipro is also a member here!
Okay after a crap morning finding the 4 ice cold eggs left by my broody... I came home to 4 pips!!! It's just day 19 just.... And in the 20 mins since I've been home one has started to zip!! Someone is in a big hurry to see the world :D yeah!! It's only day 18 for my silkies so maybe I'll have a pip from one of those tomorrow??
So hopefully soon I'll have 4 new BBS Marans!!

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