THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Ok by the time I typed that #4 who was half zipped when I walked in to post popped out! That has to be the fastest hatch ever!

And I missed it by seconds..... Anyways there is a little bit of unabsorbed yolk in the bottom of this shell.... It's weird as the others were clean... Wonder what makes that happen? I guess variations in egg genetics? If the sound of his lungs is any indication of health, this one is feisty!
And blue or black
Oh no! I will TELL you the fastest hatch ever!

I went shopping for Christmas presents on day 20 for my silkie eggs! (Back in December) there was only one out when I left out of 10 eggs. Well I left it. Came home 2 hours later 3 more out. I sat and watched one more hatch then I went to wrap presents it seriously wasnt 5 minutes ( I dont even think it was 3) before I checked again and another one was out! He must have zipped and hatched in a matter of 3 minutes!

Thats my kind of hatching!

Anyways! CONGRATS! Are these the eggs your hen abandoned that you thought were absolutely dead?!
I have the 5000
it depends on if you use 1 shelf or 2 (or make a third shelf and use it as well)
if you are using turners or not
the size of the eggs
and if you are insane like me and stack them!

6 emu eggs

egg stacking on 1 shelf... lol
WHOA! You stack eggs? I didnt know that was even possible! Im not going to try it, it would be my luck that I would open the door and they would start falling out!
WHOA! You stack eggs? I didnt know that was even possible! Im not going to try it, it would be my luck that I would open the door and they would start falling out!

that's why the ones on the edge closest to the door need to be "pointed" at the door.. otherwise they will roll

egg stacking is easy.. well.. at least I think so.. some people have problems with it though (eggs cracking)... not sure why unless the surface they are trying to stack on is too smooth.

I've even stacked quail eggs in a Brinsea (three to four levels deep) with no problems
Oh no! I will TELL you the fastest hatch ever! :lau

I went shopping for Christmas presents on day 20 for my silkie eggs! (Back in December) there was only one out when I left out of 10 eggs. Well I left it. Came home 2 hours later 3 more out. I sat and watched one more hatch then I went to wrap presents it seriously wasnt 5 minutes ( I dont even think it was 3) before I checked again and another one was out! He must have zipped and hatched in a matter of 3 minutes! :lau

Thats my kind of hatching! :D

Anyways! CONGRATS! Are these the eggs your hen abandoned that you thought were absolutely dead?! 

That is awesome!! I love a fast hatch!! #4 who is now #5 is just making the pip bigger!! But I do see a small pip on a silkie egg this morning!!

No these aren't those abandoned eggs.... Those are staring at me in the incubator every time I go check on new hatches :( these are the rest of that dozen as my broody is a bantam and I could only fit 4 eggs under her.... I so want to give her a pipped egg but I'm afraid to open the bator and shrink wrap other eggs :/ hmmmmm what to do what to do.....
OK, everyone has been asking me ALL WEEK
and now here it is!!!!!!
so are you happy now you HATCHING ADDICTS YOU ?!?!?!?!?!

http://The Fathers Day Hatch-A-Long!!! The Last Day To Set eggs Is June 3rd!!!!

Thank you Java Girl!! I just set some turkeys this morning--will they count??

Quote: When I saw my first broody ( last fall) with a deep nest of eggs stacked 2-3 deep, I figured I could too given the right circumstances; My LG is not a good option as even with a fan the air temp is layered hottest to cooler; now in my homemade Henny Penny the air flow is better and the temps are more even, the warmest area is directly over the light bulb, so I rotate a lot front to back. easy peasy in a basket. Oh, and very clean hands can easiy result in eggs slipping out of my fingers. Need to concentrate on being very careful!

Thank you Java Girl!! I just set some turkeys this morning--will they count??

Quote: When I saw my first broody ( last fall) with a deep nest of eggs stacked 2-3 deep, I figured I could too given the right circumstances; My LG is not a good option as even with a fan the air temp is layered hottest to cooler; now in my homemade Henny Penny the air flow is better and the temps are more even, the warmest area is directly over the light bulb, so I rotate a lot front to back. easy peasy in a basket. Oh, and very clean hands can easiy result in eggs slipping out of my fingers. Need to concentrate on being very careful!

yes they will count!!
Thank you Java Girl!! I just set some turkeys this morning--will they count??

When I saw my first broody ( last fall) with a deep nest of eggs stacked 2-3 deep, I figured I could too given the right circumstances; My LG is not a good option as even with a fan the air temp is layered hottest to cooler; now in my homemade Henny Penny the air flow is better and the temps are more even, the warmest area is directly over the light bulb, so I rotate a lot front to back. easy peasy in a basket. Oh, and very clean hands can easiy result in eggs slipping out of my fingers. Need to concentrate on being very careful!

try disposable gloves.. they give me a little more grip on slippery eggs!
#5 is out!! Looks like I have 3 blues, 1 splash and 1 black .... But #5 is still pretty wet to know for sure.....

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