THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

ya know... I have stopped looking at humidity for this one. I'm watching the dry hatch rules and just made sure that I've got no water in the darn thing and will really boost it on lockdown. I'm hopeful... always the hopeful, and as you said, the hopeless romantic, just sure that one more day will be THE ONE!

Ok, here are a couple of pictures for the contest..of my baby Silkie, and baby Showgirl...used the same flowers...oh well... :)

Picture 1

Picture 2..of my showgirl...the only one I got to hatch..
One is asleep, and one is wide awake!
Wooowww, lovely pictures. THe show girl is a star!

Quote: You are in for a treat! It's worth staying up for!
I have a peep in my LG !!!

I'm so not ready for these chicks. I need another brooder and more leg bands. Apparently the OE and marans can look alike a hatch, I need to separate them before hatching just to be sure. ANd of course I have 2 other sets of eggs that could hatch look alikes. !! 4 look alikes

I'm already loosing it. I need to find a cookie rack to top every section to be sure of who's who.
Yay I won! Thanks everyone. Those are some of my favoritest pictures of my kids. (Go figure they have chickens in them)

Well, my eggs are on Day 19 and I thought maybe, possibly I saw an egg wiggle. And I think maybe, possibly I heard a chirp. I made sure it wasn't me wheezing this time, which is suprising since I have a lung and sinus infection. I hope hope hope I get some chickies. I guess I need to start shopping for eggs for the Father's Day Hatch! LOL
Well I'm not even done and my first 2 were out on thursday! I was going to pull eggs tonight, but went in to get something to drink and I have a blue AM chick from my BBS eggs. ?????? This is weird. I got the first 2, went camping, came back to no more chicks, got 4 chicks and some pips that DIS and now thinking it's time to toss eggs and I have another chick.

My first hatch ever! Eggs were set on April 24th and I thought should have hatched on Monday which was May 14th. Last three days have felt like candid camera as I've religiously checked the humidy, temp and eggs. Sometime between when I fell asleep at 1130 and when I looked at the eggs at 3:50 (there is usually a drop in humidity around 5 am) this little guy made it through the shell. Any advice?

My first hatch ever! Eggs were set on April 24th and I thought should have hatched on Monday which was May 14th. Last three days have felt like candid camera as I've religiously checked the humidy, temp and eggs. Sometime between when I fell asleep at 1130 and when I looked at the eggs at 3:50 (there is usually a drop in humidity around 5 am) this little guy made it through the shell. Any advice?
Well...let it hatch! lol..hopefully by now, you have a baby? If not, looks like it won't be long. Just keep that humidity up around 60/65. You should have a little one soon..dark egg...Marans?
I have a peep in my LG !!!

I'm so not ready for these chicks. I need another brooder and more leg bands. Apparently the OE and marans can look alike a hatch, I need to separate them before hatching just to be sure. ANd of course I have 2 other sets of eggs that could hatch look alikes. !! 4 look alikes

I'm already loosing it. I need to find a cookie rack to top every section to be sure of who's who.

Take a deep breath...breath in, breath it? probably already have things figured out by now.
Your eggs you sent me are coming along nicely..can see in the lighter ones better of course, but they are alll, viable..not so sure on the marans, but I am starting to see air sacs developing on have some awsome Mr. Macho Man Roos at your place!
Now, if these will just do well in my bators. I have a Reptipro 6000 coming today. I'm so excited, I woke up thinking about it, now can't sleep. Might as well stay up and catch up on some reading on the thread for those. Learning a lot before it gets here.
Yay I won! Thanks everyone. Those are some of my favoritest pictures of my kids. (Go figure they have chickens in them)

Well, my eggs are on Day 19 and I thought maybe, possibly I saw an egg wiggle. And I think maybe, possibly I heard a chirp. I made sure it wasn't me wheezing this time, which is suprising since I have a lung and sinus infection. I hope hope hope I get some chickies. I guess I need to start shopping for eggs for the Father's Day Hatch! LOL
Congrats on a beautiful picture--so many beautiful entrants.

I keep hearing a little peep -like noise, and while I do double check just in case, I know it's just a phenomenon that occurs with the styrofoam LG. Maybe warming and cooling? When the first chick peeped yesterday, I noticed that it does sound different to me now and is unique to a chick and is not the LG!

Well I'm not even done and my first 2 were out on thursday! I was going to pull eggs tonight, but went in to get something to drink and I have a blue AM chick from my BBS eggs. ?????? This is weird. I got the first 2, went camping, came back to no more chicks, got 4 chicks and some pips that DIS and now thinking it's time to toss eggs and I have another chick.

A blue AM !!!
Weird that it's very late . . . but wonderful too!! Now how much longer do you wait to toss?

My first hatch ever! Eggs were set on April 24th and I thought should have hatched on Monday which was May 14th. Last three days have felt like candid camera as I've religiously checked the humidy, temp and eggs. Sometime between when I fell asleep at 1130 and when I looked at the eggs at 3:50 (there is usually a drop in humidity around 5 am) this little guy made it through the shell. Any advice?
Are you asking why this little guy is late?? Low temperature delays the hatch beyond day 21. THe longer the time after 21days, the less likely they are able to hatch. THe solution is to increase the heat very slightly. Did I answer your question?
Today is hatch day! I had two "early birds" that came out yesterday... two 1st gen showgirls... one of them is a beautiful silver... I hope hope hope she keeps that color
(I'll post pictures later... I'm going to try to make something for the photo contest :-D )

Here's what I woke up to this morning...

1 showgirl and 3 silkies (1 out of a turken egg, no bareneck :-/)

Strange thing is.. the eggs on the left side of the bator are pipped or already hatched (except 1 polish...) ... the one on the right in the picture was still coming out and there's one pip... all the others aren't doing anything- BAH! I hope they start doing something soon... it worries me that "one side" isn't... well... as early as everyone else? Okay, over-worrying... lol.

Enough have hatched that my eggs are all unstacked now... XD So once these hatch I can start stacking more eggs again... right?

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