THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I have yet another chick out and a Silver Phoenix zipping. This hatch started 8 days ago for me and I'm still getting chicks. I have another hatch due tuesday
Yup, sometimes it goes like that, totally unplanned and a pain.

On another note . . .I FOUND THE NEST! THe ducks waddle off each morning, two directions, and then gone. POOF! So this morning they BOTH head the same direction and I NEVER take my eyes off them. That was my mistake the last effort at tracking. Eyes looking at another birds and POOF! gone.

I sat and watched and waited, both had gone under an old plank held up about 6 inches off the ground, I waited, the cat waited ( in my lap) and the drake waited. He nibbled here and there and wondered away some 25 feet. Me I sat and waited, and finally gave up to do chores! Came back a couple hours later after chores and found a jack pot and a silver laced wyandotte on the nest leaving her contribution. Silly girls!!

Oh, 11 duck eggs and 5 chicken eggs, I left before the SLW finished.
I ended up duming eggs and I'm trying to break 6 broodies. They ket piling into the boxes and I found icky smelly eggs, so at that point I was so done with the mess and 4 and 5 birds piled at once. I need their eggs, not their help right now, so my mission for this weekend is to hopefully brake them all.
You'll have to keep us updated on how you break the girls. IT will be an adventure to follow!
My first step was removing one of the boxes. I'm going to take them all way. The first one was so smelly from broken eggs I filled it with water. I might just do that. Once my Phoenix had hatched out three and then they died I took the rest of the eggs and stuck them in the Sportsman. Number 3 just hatched. I got one on monday or tuesday and one yesterday and today, so I'm just letting them go until their done.

My girl Fat Chick has been sitting for way to long. I've taken her out and removed eggs on her and she starts another one. I'll probably have to search the yard for eggs for the weekend, but I'm hoping that helps break them and they don't start hiding them.
I think I saw rocking and heard a very weak cheep from one off my OE...other than that nada. But today is hatch day. I want to hover around the incubator sooo bad.
I am offically a new D'anver momma. Sadly, due to incubator malfunction and my own noobie errors all my first eggs didnt make it and I was really crushed. I'll have to try for some more Porcelain eggs eventually. But until then... My mothers day hatch a long chicks. I got 6 out of 30 eggs originally set. =/

They are adorable!!!! Man, if I didn't already have chickens....I'd want some based on all the cuteness going on here.
And we're done! After a shaky start (I came home from work and the newest chick had fallen out of the nest and was getting cold...luckily I was there to stick it under mama) Chick #2 is out and getting stronger! Another little silkie <3

Egg #3 turned out to be a Day 17 quitter, so I tossed it and am picking up a few more chicks for mama tomorrow!

So the chick I helped out has a twisted neck..... When its head is flat on the groud it's legs are up in the air :(
What causes this? Or is it just genetics?? Is there anything I can do to help this chick? It's just so sad.....

In happier news I went down to put Lucky under popcorn ..... Since this chick hatched from an egg left overnight with no hen. Lucky snuggled right under her.... While I was admiring the chicks out playing I noticed half an eggshell .... Hmmmm the only egg under popcorn was another one left out over night and when I came down the morning it was barely under her. I thought with all the new chicks shed given up on it. I contemplated taking it away and had it in my hand but popcorn gave me a curious look. I showed her the egg and she immediately moved to nudge it under her... Ok fine then. Well that egg hatched!! Omg it really hatched!!! A lovely lavender silkie chick was tucked really far under her..... I still can't believe it. I figured silkies are so fragile there would be Norway it would hatch...... Now for a name..... :lol:
WOOT! 5/5 for the seramas! Looks like I got 3 little blacks and two mottleds!

I only have 1 ameraucana out of all nineteen eggs :(.... does this mean I get the prize for best AND worst hatch?

I also got a little chocolate colored mystery chick. Those broodies sure are good at sneaking eggs when your not looking!
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