THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Okay update on little lame chick... Neck is not twisted! It seems to be a coordination problem.... I gave it some vitamins and tried to hold it upright as best I could.
Will it gain coordination?
Okay update on little lame chick... Neck is not twisted! It seems to be a coordination problem.... I gave it some vitamins and tried to hold it upright as best I could.
Will it gain coordination?
I had a turkey hatch out on it's own that could not stand up. Every time it did it would fall over on its side. It stayed like that all night long with out me knowing until the morning. I placed it in a small bowl with paper towels so it could sit up and see everything inside the brooder. I thought we were going to cull it but I wanted to give it a chance. Came home from work and it was out of the bowl walking around with the other turkey poults. I don't even know which one it was that had the problem. Now the 5 of them are running around healthy as can be.
Ok I now figured out my incubator (LG) is leaking!! I got home from work today and it was down to 35%!
So I guess I had no choice and filled the wells again. A few minutes later I hear a dripping sound, water EVERYWHERE!

I dont know what to do! I have a saucer of water in there and 2 soaked sponges plus the strips. I guess all I can do is pray the poor little things make it out!

Any tips on what I can do?
Quotes still not working!!!!!!!!!

About the lame chick. I don't know what you gave it, but Poly Vi Sol without iron is like a miracle drug, so if that's not what you used, you may want to get some.

Well I knew I'd have an egg hunt today. I found a ton and then I caught 6 hens laying way under a bush and adding eggs and fighting over who was going to sit. I had to climb under to grab the eggs and fat chick bite me! I almost bit her back. Dumb bird. Then she paced the step outside the back door and peeked at the door and growled. OH well! She'll just have to get over it. I know, I'm a mean mom

Okay update on little lame chick... Neck is not twisted! It seems to be a coordination problem.... I gave it some vitamins and tried to hold it upright as best I could.
Will it gain coordination?

The site is giving me a pain! I didn't hit quote this time.

I don't use sponges as often any more. There's a bag of sanitary napkins here just for use in holding humidity. Just another option. lol
Well, I set three eggs and on what I think was day 17, I candled all of them and they were all still good.  The first chick pipped between 12-4 last night and hatched at 7:10.  No one else has pipped.  It has been screaming, yelling and trying to get someone to wake up in the other eggs since it hatched so I've emailed a couple of people on the craigslist to see if they have any chicks that hatched today.  Either way, I don't think I'll be able to get the friend tonight and this little chick may cry all night!  lol--who knew after 3 weeks of just lying there while I imagined they moved or peeped that once one hatched it would not stop banging around inside the incubator and peeping.  She (positive thinking) is really so so cute.

You know we love them but they sound like a herd of elephants in the styro bator.
Hey Jane did you see that 1 of my eggs that was abandoned overnight hatched??? Yeah miracles all around!!!

Barnyard mix as in local eggs??? I wouldn't worry .... I have hatched a bunch of them using dry hatch and I never paid attention to the aircell .... They popped out like popcorn! well the fertile ones
Just let them be... I know easier said then done as it is SO fascinating what goes on inside that shell!!! What day are you on??? I'm so excited for you!!!! I had to help out a marans that was shrunk wrapped poor thing and now it is on its back chirping up a storm ... I hope it is okay ....

I also gave my broody a bunch of chicks and she is SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!

Don't know if you can see them all through the wire .....

Popcorn wondering how she produced a black chick :)

She is such a good mommy!!! I gave her the chicks during the day and she couldn't care less....This one even pecked at her eye and she just pushed her right under her chest ...
That is so beautiful. I'm super duper duper stoked that the misplaced...err...ABANDONED.....egg has hatched. What an awesome miracle, right on kids....!!! Nature kinda knows what the heck it's doing doesn't it?

Yes, the eggs (barnyard mix) are locals....picked them outta the nest myself. (acting pretty proud) Set them on my 44th birthday.... so it kinda matters if something hatches... Good Gawd, let something hatch. ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH.

Lockdown isn't for another 3.5 days but who's counting???

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