THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Good news! I gave the chick some vitamins and put it back in the incubator for the night with a buddy.... And this morning it was standing. It's still not particularly coordinated but standing!! Yeah!! I moved them to the brooder and it crys a lot
I kind of want to put it under my broody with the other chicks.... I feel like it needs a mama to tell it everything is okay. But am at capacity for my broody with chicks ..... Hmmmmm. I guess I'll go see how she is doing with the babies and then decide. Any thoughts?
If it were mine I would not until it was normal. If it is having trouble getting around at all it won't do well avoiding being stepped on or competing with siblings.
If it were mine I would not until it was normal. If it is having trouble getting around at all it won't do well avoiding being stepped on or competing with siblings. 

Yeah that's why I didn't put her in before but now she's moving around okay.... She's in the brooder with 6 silkies.... I just feel like she needs a mama but she has stopped her constant chirping so that is good :)
4 Wheaten/BW Ameraucana chicks hatched today.
So happy :D 2 more eggs left I'll leave them in till Tuesday
when other eggs get moved to hatcher. Today is only day
20 so there is still hope for the other eggs, but I'm thrilled
with the 4 I got.
Well I knew I'd have an egg hunt today. I found a ton and then I caught 6 hens laying way under a bush and adding eggs and fighting over who was going to sit. I had to climb under to grab the eggs and fat chick bite me! I almost bit her back. Dumb bird. Then she paced the step outside the back door and peeked at the door and growled. OH well! She'll just have to get over it. I know, I'm a mean mom
ANd the adventure continues . . .

I don't use sponges as often any more. There's a bag of sanitary napkins here just for use in holding humidity. Just another option. lol
Good idea!!

Ok I now figured out my incubator (LG) is leaking!! I got home from work today and it was down to 35%!
So I guess I had no choice and filled the wells again. A few minutes later I hear a dripping sound, water EVERYWHERE!

I dont know what to do! I have a saucer of water in there and 2 soaked sponges plus the strips. I guess all I can do is pray the poor little things make it out!

Any tips on what I can do?
You can manage sometimes without the wells, i fyou use small containers like baby food jars and sponges, if there is room. Or Wolftracks idea of napkins.


The two duckies (posted them before too but one can never have too many baby pics!): (the chicks they are with are from the hatch before this one)

As it turns out... chicks hatch WAY better with an accurate thermometer... go figure!
Yup , go figure. When they don't hatch they make us change methods was wishful thinking. My eggs twitched again. I was so excited and made sure I wasn't bumping the incubator...then I leaned in again and sure enough they twitched...but alot of them did. I was standing on the cord and when I leaned in it very subtly wobbled the hovabator. And the peeping I was my chicks outside. Sooo..I'm back to thinking that the pullet eggs were never fertilized.

On a bad note, something got one of my easter hatch chicks. she was one of my amercauna/polish. Beautiful, huge and the clear leader. The rest have diverged into two groups and my one pullet who is nice to them started hovering over them and trying to keep them in the yard.

On a good note...candled the peacock eggs...veins! I see veins! I'm sooo happy.

Good news! I gave the chick some vitamins and put it back in the incubator for the night with a buddy.... And this morning it was standing. It's still not particularly coordinated but standing!! Yeah!! I moved them to the brooder and it crys a lot
I kind of want to put it under my broody with the other chicks.... I feel like it needs a mama to tell it everything is okay. But am at capacity for my broody with chicks ..... Hmmmmm. I guess I'll go see how she is doing with the babies and then decide. Any thoughts?
SO glad the vitamins worked.

Well, out of the 15 I set I have 2 remaining. There was so much nest switching this isn't even one of the original hens.
She cracks me up--clearly on duty.
THE WINNER OF THE DRAWING IS : Bigfamily4me!!!!!! Please pm me with your shipping address and what eggs you want (California white chicken eggs or jumbo brown/golden coturnix eggs)

I have about 18 hatched from shipped eggs! My best set/hatch ever for shipped.

9 black or blue olive eggers from the lightest shade of olive and
9 cuckoo marans that are huge and heavy from such a big egg and they are marbled blues, black and white. SO pretty.

I wish Dh wasn't in bed with the flu and I wish I knew how to use his new phone to take pics. The cuckoos are the prettiest chicks.
Day 20, nothing, no movement zip.

But on the bright side my broody hatched 7 out of 8 eggs and the either one isnt due until tomorrow!

All mine are showing up day 21 or 22. Last year everyone was a day early! I've been trying to keep to 99 rather than 101. May need to go back to 101! It will make me feel better!!

All chicks pip and zip quickly; and all have fluffed up nicely even those I thought a little gooey.

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