THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Quote: haaahaa--that's exactly how I feel when I reach far enough into Maine that Route 95 drops a lane. THat's why I though Maine was home. I still like it though and love to bring my boys and show them the fun things to do. From beaches to mountains, from ponds to oceans. On the last day there I woke them at dawn and went to the shore one last time.
Well I think I did it. No more broodies. I turned the nesting boxes around so they couldn't get in or removed them all together. The first night I had hens bunched up on top of the boxes. The second day I had hens that were a little uoset since I'd go out at each egg song and grab the eggs out. Third day...... They were on strike! The breeds that are penned up laid, but the whole flock of birds that run together right now didn't lay. Except my OE, Shady. Such a good girl. I hear egg song going on so we'll see what happens when I don't go out to pull each egg out.
The adventure continues.
Here are my 1 to 2 day late babies.

And yes the tiny one is a OEGB bantam. His poor feet had to be put in splints because they were curled.
(first 4 out)

RIR X OEG mix in the food dish...

The whole gang.

The count so far is 10 in the brooder 1 out in the bator and 1 pipped! Its day 23 and ones pipped!
I guess chicks dont follow our rules!
Here are my 1 to 2 day late babies.

And yes the tiny one is a OEGB bantam. His poor feet had to be put in splints because they were curled.
(first 4 out)

RIR X OEG mix in the food dish...

The whole gang.

The count so far is 10 in the brooder 1 out in the bator and 1 pipped! Its day 23 and ones pipped!
I guess chicks dont follow our rules!
Now those are darn cute. Love the sleeping baby in the first picture!
Here are my 1 to 2 day late babies.

And yes the tiny one is a OEGB bantam. His poor feet had to be put in splints because they were curled.
(first 4 out)

RIR X OEG mix in the food dish...

The whole gang.

The count so far is 10 in the brooder 1 out in the bator and 1 pipped! Its day 23 and ones pipped!
I guess chicks dont follow our rules!
LOVE the pictures! I've determined I cannot capture the cuteness on camera! You all are much better at this picture stuff.
So, 4 is my final count out of 6 from lockdown (not bad, I guess) out of 11 originally set. I'm happy that my babies are out and seem ok.
I can see how people get addicted to these little things. They are the epitome of CUTE!

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