THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

first 5 are out and drying.. more working on it... (ignore the temp on the thermometer.. I had it under a desk lamp for a few minutes.. lol)

I want to hatch some ducks! They are so cute! But someone told me it is best to let the momma duck do it since you have to do so much to them during incubation that chicken eggs are easy.
I would have got her too! I have one that almost died twice in less than 24 hours, her name is now Lucky & she is doing well. I hope Twisty makes it.

Glad I'm not the only one, the people at TSC thought I was crazy and tried to talk me out of getting her... other then the one lady at checkout who thought I was such a wonderful person (aka sucker, haha).

Twisty is doing great :) She waddles a bit like a duck when she walks but I figure considering she couldn't walk before that's pretty good! I was for sure she would never make it... she's the worse I've ever splinted... and one day at a time she got stronger and stronger.

Here she is the other day with the rest of the flock <3
Goo luck with the next hatch!!

Hi Arielle...the eggs I got from you are now in lock down. Lots in there, they were looking pretty good last week, can't see in them this week, too dark, so, going by the air sacs..which look good. Some are way up the side..silly P.O. thinks eggs like sitting on their sides while in transport..anyway, Thurs. is the day. Cross your fingers and say some prayers. I am looking forward to both the breeds. I love seeing what pops out of pretty blue eggs when they are EE's, and I haven't hatched Marans in a long time. Fun stuff!
I want to hatch some ducks! They are so cute! But someone told me it is best to let the momma duck do it since you have to do so much to them during incubation that chicken eggs are easy.

these are muscovys.. I have giant pekins in there now and a few cayuga eggs waiting to go in the waterfowl bator
I think ducks are just as easy as any other type of bird to hatch... you just need to figure out how you need to treat them in your bator.. though I will say that most people incubate waterfowl at too high of humidity which results in bad hatches

more muscovy cuteness.. these guys are so camera shy!.. this pic was taken last night.. I still need to pull more ducklings out of the hatcher
these are muscovys.. I have giant pekins in there now and a few cayuga eggs waiting to go in the waterfowl bator
I think ducks are just as easy as any other type of bird to hatch... you just need to figure out how you need to treat them in your bator.. though I will say that most people incubate waterfowl at too high of humidity which results in bad hatches

more muscovy cuteness.. these guys are so camera shy!.. this pic was taken last night.. I still need to pull more ducklings out of the hatcher
Did you hatch these out of the 5000, or 6000? Cute babies. I love baby ducks!
the Reptipro 5000.. i don't have the 6000.... yet!

That one is next, right?
I am getting used to the how's on this one. I like switching out the trays. Pretty easy with a turner in it. I actually turn the heat down for the night. Works out great. Turn it back up in the morning. Sure holds the temp good, which is important right now. Haven't had to put anything in for humidity until lately. I am getting closer to lock down, the humidity finally went down on it's own, so I put~and get this..a tiny piece of wet paper towel in there..I'm talking, a piece the size of my pinky fingernail, and that humidity goes up around where I like it at this point, high 30's, low 40'. Stays there through the night, then I just wet it again for the good part of the day..may have to again in mid day. I'm starting to think, what in the world am I going to put in there for lock won't need to be much!
That one is next, right?
I am getting used to the how's on this one. I like switching out the trays. Pretty easy with a turner in it. I actually turn the heat down for the night. Works out great. Turn it back up in the morning. Sure holds the temp good, which is important right now. Haven't had to put anything in for humidity until lately. I am getting closer to lock down, the humidity finally went down on it's own, so I put~and get this..a tiny piece of wet paper towel in there..I'm talking, a piece the size of my pinky fingernail, and that humidity goes up around where I like it at this point, high 30's, low 40'. Stays there through the night, then I just wet it again for the good part of the day..may have to again in mid day. I'm starting to think, what in the world am I going to put in there for lock won't need to be much!

yeah.. it's on my 'wish list"

I love how it holds the temp and humidity.. so much nicer than some bators I have dealt with!

Well.... we finally did it. I've tried and tried and failed and failed.... as I'm typing this there are sooooo many peeps coming from the laundry room I can't believe it. I've never been so happy. The pictures are only a smattering of the pictures actually taken. I think I've got an Orp with a curved foot, but as I read these threads religiously..... I'm just sure I can figure out a splint. Thanks to everyone for their help. We are so happy. Jane

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