THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Well.... we finally did it. I've tried and tried and failed and failed.... as I'm typing this there are sooooo many peeps coming from the laundry room I can't believe it. I've never been so happy. The pictures are only a smattering of the pictures actually taken. I think I've got an Orp with a curved foot, but as I read these threads religiously..... I'm just sure I can figure out a splint. Thanks to everyone for their help. We are so happy. Jane

Try Poly Vi Sol for the foot. Sometimes it's a vitamin issue and a couple of doses straightens them right out. I've used it a couple of times and it worked.

Well.... we finally did it. I've tried and tried and failed and failed.... as I'm typing this there are sooooo many peeps coming from the laundry room I can't believe it. I've never been so happy. The pictures are only a smattering of the pictures actually taken. I think I've got an Orp with a curved foot, but as I read these threads religiously..... I'm just sure I can figure out a splint. Thanks to everyone for their help. We are so happy. Jane
Good for you!
Babies! Cute babies! Ooo, what is that blue one??
Awwww cute chicks. My chicks have been gone since they hatched except 2 blue silkies some BBS polish and BBS bantam amers.

I hatched around 100 chicks, I stopped counting after 70. The chicks were for friends. I did hatch some MF d'uccles to sell, I have a waiting list but my friends DH (who wanted absoutley no bantams) ;) saw them and wanted them. :rolleyes: he also tried so swipe some OEGB chicks that I had hatched for another friend. I was going to keep some some blue sizzles but my other friend managed to talk me out of those. :p

Hopefully I'll have some chicks from the next hatch to sell and make some feed money.

Congrats to all and the cute chickies. I have to wait until the 10 th. for my 1st chicks but then I will have chicks hatching every week for 4 weeks :D and hopefully geese on the 10 th.
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Good for you!
Babies! Cute babies! Ooo, what is that blue one??
The blue one is a Marans..... just amazing. And there's another one out too. One more is trying but may not make it all the way out. Been a long time. AS FOR THE POLY VI SOL WITHOUT IRON.... HOW MUCH IS GIVEN IN A DOSE??? Sounds strange coming from a pediatric ICU RN huh??? Haaa.... need advice though!!

Thanks guys, Jane
The blue one is a Marans..... just amazing. And there's another one out too. One more is trying but may not make it all the way out. Been a long time. AS FOR THE POLY VI SOL WITHOUT IRON.... HOW MUCH IS GIVEN IN A DOSE??? Sounds strange coming from a pediatric ICU RN huh??? Haaa.... need advice though!!

Thanks guys, Jane

Everyone is different in how they give this. I do not even measure. I go by looks. I have the yellow poly, I mix it where it is just barely yellow, I mean barely. I have found, that the full dose seems to put my chicks into weird jerking and jumping and out of it symptoms. If I use the very small amount, they do amazing. You can try the small amount. If you don't think that is right for yours, you can try more. Just me..maybe, not sure if anyone else has has mentioned the same problem I have with the full dose. Good luck! And, we have a daughter that is a NICU RN. She loves it. We have three nurses in our family. Interesting thing, the NICU daughter and another daughter works in the same hospital. The other daughter delivers the babies. :)) If they have problems, they go to the her sis. :)
Everyone is different in how they give this. I do not even measure. I go by looks. I have the yellow poly, I mix it where it is just barely yellow, I mean barely. I have found, that the full dose seems to put my chicks into weird jerking and jumping and out of it symptoms. If I use the very small amount, they do amazing. You can try the small amount. If you don't think that is right for yours, you can try more. Just me..maybe, not sure if anyone else has has mentioned the same problem I have with the full dose. Good luck! And, we have a daughter that is a NICU RN. She loves it. We have three nurses in our family. Interesting thing, the NICU daughter and another daughter works in the same hospital. The other daughter delivers the babies. :)) If they have problems, they go to the her sis. :)
This is pretty much my answer.
This is pretty much my answer.
Thanks again everyone. I got some of the vits today and diluted them... used a wee syringe and gave them to the babies drop by drop and then put some in their water. It may be my imagination but holy smokes the peeping is ridicuolous. Hope it fixes what ails them. Will be getting up in the night to give another mini dose. I know I don't have to but yikes.... I've just gotta.
Thanks again everyone. I got some of the vits today and diluted them... used a wee syringe and gave them to the babies drop by drop and then put some in their water. It may be my imagination but holy smokes the peeping is ridicuolous. Hope it fixes what ails them. Will be getting up in the night to give another mini dose. I know I don't have to but yikes.... I've just gotta.

The vitamins work wonders!!! I don't dilute it .... I give it to the chicks 1 or 2 drops just to make sure they get it ... and sit back and watch. I had a chick that I thought had a twisty neck but it turned out that it was a twisted body ... If its head was flat on the ground the legs were in the air. It chirped so loudly and non stop.... Well I gave it vitamins and in a day it was standing and in 2 days it was as good as new! Watch the foot because if it doesn't correct itself it is much better to intervene sooner rather then later....

Did the other one hatch??? You can try to help it out.... I've done this a bunch and been very successful.... I wait 24 ish hours or until I can tell if is stuck in.... Work very slowly in a steamed up bathroom and using tweezers chip away at the shell.... Let us know how it turns out!

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