-The Mythics RP-

Claura reheated the stew on the stove and sliced the bread. "Well, I guess you could get a kitten a lot faster than a man."
She brought the food to the table and served Adeen and herself.

(To me, it doesn't matter. )
(ok. Does it help you find them?)
"Exactly." Adeen sat down, and prayed. She may have an eccentric job, but she still kept to her religious beliefs. And as far as she could tell, the book never told her she couldn't take over the family forge.
(ok. Does it help you find them?)
"Exactly." Adeen sat down, and prayed. She may have an eccentric job, but she still kept to her religious beliefs. And as far as she could tell, the book never told her she couldn't take over the family forge.
After Adeen finished praying, Claura began eating like a perfectionist. She watched how Adeen ate. She wanted to be sure that Adeen ate as perfect as she did.
After Adeen finished praying, Claura began eating like a perfectionist. She watched how Adeen ate. She wanted to be sure that Adeen ate as perfect as she did.
Which Adeen did not do completely. For Pete’s sake, it was just food. If she got a few crumbs on her, she could just pick the off. She used only the table manners that had been taught to her by her mother.
(okay. I will not tag you then)
Jintao nodded. He picked up his bowl, put it in Tay's, and followed her. "You are right," he fell in step next to her. They walked by some crates. Jintao stared at them as they went by as though they held his secrets. "I just can't do it. At least not during this time of my life."
He stepped ahead of her to the door of the stairs. He sat the bowls on the floor and opened it for her. "They live upstairs."
It felt strange talking about his handicap in the way that he was. His last statement sounded like he would take up a weapon again, even though he was forced to be against the thought.

@_-Captain BRM-_
"Tell me," she said, slipping through the door way, "do you sit idly by and wait for inevitable exploitation, or do you open the door when they knock?" The slick stairs creaked beneath her feet and the black, plain dress obstructed her ease. She waited at the last stair, glancing down at Jintao, who seemed to hesitate. Warm air wafted from the kitchen.
Words felt right, but they didn't come.
She dipped her head and excited the stairwell, turning into the kitchen.
"You-" she motioned to the old woman and let the herbs and spices scatter onto the table, "dear, I will finish that. A needle. I need a needle."
She walked on the sides of her feet, coming to stand over the short black oven. Warmth radiated through the air, and water sat in a short pot.

@Lacy Duckwing
"Tell me," she said, slipping through the door way, "do you sit idly by and wait for inevitable exploitation, or do you open the door when they knock?" The slick stairs creaked beneath her feet and the black, plain dress obstructed her ease. She waited at the last stair, glancing down at Jintao, who seemed to hesitate. Warm air wafted from the kitchen.
Words felt right, but they didn't come.
She dipped her head and excited the stairwell, turning into the kitchen.
"You-" she motioned to the old woman and let the herbs and spices scatter onto the table, "dear, I will finish that. A needle. I need a needle."
She walked on the sides of her feet, coming to stand over the short black oven. Warmth radiated through the air, and water sat in a short pot.

@Lacy Duckwing
Jintao let the question roll around in his head a couple of times before answering. "I prefer to open the door when they knock.." He pushed the bowls into the stairwell with his foot and shut the door. Then he picked the bowls up and followed her up into the kitchen. "Thank you, madame," he said, putting the bowls next to the sink. He hadn't finished his pottage, nor did he care to.

Daisy nearly jumped when Tay said "you." She spun around with her eyes large. "Oh, you startled me," she put her hand on her chest. Fear filled her eyes until Jintao walked into the kitchen.
"I'll get that right away," she gave Jintao a worried look on her way to the living room. She was only gone for a minute before she returned with a pin cushion. "Here you go, dear."

@_-Captain BRM-_
Which Adeen did not do completely. For Pete’s sake, it was just food. If she got a few crumbs on her, she could just pick the off. She used only the table manners that had been taught to her by her mother.
(okay. I will not tag you then)
Claura thought that Adeen passed, even if it was barely. When she finished, she patted her lips with her napkin. "I do suggest that you try not to make such a mess when you eat." She looked at a window. It was getting dark out. "I didn't think to bring a lantern with me, so I should be leaving."
Jintao let the question roll around in his head a couple of times before answering. "I prefer to open the door when they knock.." He pushed the bowls into the stairwell with his foot and shut the door. Then he picked the bowls up and followed her up into the kitchen. "Thank you, madame," he said, putting the bowls next to the sink. He hadn't finished his pottage, nor did he care to.

Daisy nearly jumped when Tay said "you." She spun around with her eyes large. "Oh, you startled me," she put her hand on her chest. Fear filled her eyes until Jintao walked into the kitchen.
"I'll get that right away," she gave Jintao a worried look on her way to the living room. She was only gone for a minute before she returned with a pin cushion. "Here you go, dear."

@_-Captain BRM-_
She took the soft cushion and removed a pair of needles with ease.
A cough caught in her throat and she turned away from the oven, hacking into her arm as she hooked the toe of her boot around one of the table chairs and dragged it forward.
She slumped into the chair and sighed as it creaked. Her eyes met the old woman's for a brief moment, and a weak smile flashed across her lips.
"I never bought bandages, and I couldn't find stockings," she looked down and began to unlace her worn, soggy boots. "If there is anything I can do to earn those things-" she pulled the money bag from her dress in one swift motion, tossing it onto the beaten table before she returned to her boots. "I don't know how much is in there, not enough, probably."
She bit her teeth and eased off the first boot.
Yes, there was skin and blood.
This would make a fine case.
"Apologies." She murmured, looking up with cunning eyes. The water steamed and she tossed the needles into the pot. "My journey has been weary."

@Lacy Duckwing
(Oh my gosh, these dynamics! It's painful writing someone so... Rude 💀
I love how you're writing Jintao, he's spectacular, really.)
Claura thought that Adeen passed, even if it was barely. When she finished, she patted her lips with her napkin. "I do suggest that you try not to make such a mess when you eat." She looked at a window. It was getting dark out. "I didn't think to bring a lantern with me, so I should be leaving."
“I have a few lanterns I can spare.” Adeen put in. Maybe her friends could give her a few extra pointers.
She took the soft cushion and removed a pair of needles with ease.
A cough caught in her throat and she turned away from the oven, hacking into her arm as she hooked the toe of her boot around one of the table chairs and dragged it forward.
She slumped into the chair and sighed as it creaked. Her eyes met the old woman's for a brief moment, and a weak smile flashed across her lips.
"I never bought bandages, and I couldn't find stockings," she looked down and began to unlace her worn, soggy boots. "If there is anything I can do to earn those things-" she pulled the money bag from her dress in one swift motion, tossing it onto the beaten table before she returned to her boots. "I don't know how much is in there, not enough, probably."
She bit her teeth and eased off the first boot.
Yes, there was skin and blood.
This would make a fine case.
"Apologies." She murmured, looking up with cunning eyes. The water steamed and she tossed the needles into the pot. "My journey has been weary."

@Lacy Duckwing
(Oh my gosh, these dynamics! It's painful writing someone so... Rude 💀
I love how you're writing Jintao, he's spectacular, really.)
Daisy fell silent as she watched Tay. She occasionally looked Jintao like he should know something that he didn't. Finally she said, "I have some alcohol, if that helps any." She seemed to have missed Tay's question about earning those things, for she never answered her on that.

Jintao shifted his weight, shocked at how bad her feet were. He felt ashamed for not even noticing before. "Here, let me help you," he grabbed a cloth from a drying rack and knelt next to her. He dipped the cloth in warm water and stopped. What was he doing, he wondered. For a moment, he forgot that he only had one hand. There's no way he could possibly be of assistance.

@_-Captain BRM-_
(I know what you mean. I had a character like that once. Lol.
Thank you!)

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