-The Mythics RP-

dont worry, we have Bob
“I was trying to smother the flames. I’m sorry. Did you get burned badly?” Adeen ran over to Claura. “I have some salve.”
(Also, could you tag me at the end of each of these posts you do? I get notifications for it then)
"I don't think so," Claura looked more at her dress than her burns. She could have cried. "Oh, I should have left earlier because this wouldn't have happened." She frowned at Adeen. "I thought your  barn was on fire, not my dress."
Claura went to the door. "Do you still have a lantern that I can borrow? I'll bring it back tomorrow. I need to get out of this."

@Shabby Chic-Hens
"I don't think so," Claura looked more at her dress than her burns. She could have cried. "Oh, I should have left earlier because this wouldn't have happened." She frowned at Adeen. "I thought your  barn was on fire, not my dress."
Claura went to the door. "Do you still have a lantern that I can borrow? I'll bring it back tomorrow. I need to get out of this."

@Shabby Chic-Hens
“Here” Adeen lit a lantern after taking it from the shelf. “See you tomorrow.” She opened a cupboard and took out a jar of ointment. “Take this. “
“Here” Adeen lit a lantern after taking it from the shelf. “See you tomorrow.” She opened a cupboard and took out a jar of ointment. “Take this. “
"Thanks," Claura said, her tone still filled with sadness. "Bye." She quickly got her horse harnessed and left.

@Shabby Chic-Hens
"Thanks," Claura said, her tone still filled with sadness. "Bye." She quickly got her horse harnessed and left.
“Good bye.” Adeen went to her loft, and turned out the candles.

In the Morning, she awoke bright and squirrely, to work in the forge. After starting a roaring fire, she loaded in an old horseshoe from one of her clients. While waiting for the iron to soften, so as to turn it into a plow blade, an old friend appeared.
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Feathers bristled, rustling the cloak as Ember straightened, a chill running down her spine.
Something stirred in the corners of her mind, unnerved and anxious, grappling with the sense of darkness, like black cobwebs growing with an approaching presence.
Ember tensely pulled her hood back over her head, slowly glancing over at the boarding plank and down to the shadowed docks. She slowly rested a hand on her flintlock again, wondering vaguely if the other Harpies could feel the warning too.
Raven stood near the ship, leaning on a doc post. If his assumptions were correct, their sixth senses were firing over time and he'd be noticed soon.
The captain though, she was an Aqrabaumelu so he most likely still had a chance. It all depended now on whether she was the sort who would listen to the concerns of others.
but how could she pass someone like him down? His experience on a ship could be invaluable to her.
Galen took a deep breath to clear his head. He felt cornered.
"I-" His words rattled in his dry throat. He cleared it and started again, "When do you plan on leaving." It was his main goal to leave the cove as soon as possible. It wasn't safe here especially now that day would soon break.

Ember, with her superior sixth sense tensed, pulling her hood up around her feathery ears. Vhanya too noticed the change in the dawn air, but she couldn’t place her finger on what.
Curse this lousy sense of mine.

She shook off the prickling feeling as best as she was able; she had other matters to deal with. She looked back to Galen.

”We leave as quickly as we can, but you should be aware that we need nearly triple the amount of people we currently have to properly man this ship,” her voice turned buttery-smooth, “I’d certainly appreciate if your discernment was turned to seeking out more souls for our crew, if you’re so intent on setting sail.“

She set her attention to the other Harpy woman, hoping to distract herself from the uncomfortable feeling crawling up her spine, setting her tail a-twitch and raising the hairs on her nape.

”I’m asking you to join me, too. Understand that you shan’t find a deal as good as the one I’ve offered you around these parts…”


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