-The Mythics RP-

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(My writing's finally getting warmed up and running smoothly hoo rah)

Wilroc stiffened. "Odd," he said coldly. "I don't hunt wolves. I don't think it's beneficial."

He felt a chilly kind of anger shudder through his bones. These ones. These kinds of people were the ones killing his people.

Will watched as the two men prepared to leave, tapping his fingers against the holster at his hip that held a long dagger. He could see Layna out of the corner of his eye gripping the counter, looking pale. Bastards.

The shorter man shrugged. “It’s okay to say if you don’t have the stomach,” he jibed. The taller man began following his companion out the door. “They kill our flocks.” He shrugged. “And they don’t do anythin’ good, so might as well kill the beasts.” He nodded politely to Alayna before slipping out into the night.

Layna didn’t move for a moment. The bakery sat in silence and darkness. She then suddenly leaned over and turned on a large kerosine lamp which illuminated the room oddly. She stiffly strode over to the door and locked it with a jerky motion, then leaned over and snapped the blinds shut and let out a loud breath.
Will watched the two men leave, letting out a long breath. "Killers." he said. "This can't keep happening."

The fact that Wolfwalkers were being seen by humans at all was bad. Very bad. But at the same time, doesn't everyone have the right to be safe?

Wilroc shook his head, pushing his dark hair out of his eyes. The lighting was dark and yellowish, giving everything a waxy cast. It suddenly seemed colder, and he supressed a shudder.
@Blue Raptor
The tavern door swung heavily, offering a gentle creak that was drowned easily by the remnants of crowded conversation between the lingering gamblers and drunkards. The warm smell of alcohol and human odors seeped through the musky scent of the sea clinging to Nautalis's scarf, and she rubbed it further over her face, trying to reawaken the more familiar smell.
The woman slipped through the narrow opening, holding the door opening only slightly before gently pressing it shut again. Very few of the remaining crowd glanced up at her, a good half of them decently drunk, oblivious to her presence.
The odd pair were sitting in the far corner of the tavern, visible from the corner of Nautalis's vision, she didn't have to look up to know where they were. With graceful, cautious steps, she wove between the tables and people, aiming loosly for a small seat near the wall, several long strides from her targets.
She rested a slender hand on the back of one of the chairs, sliding it out with one quick movement and setting herself neatly in the seat. Letting her gaze linger lazy and undirected, she pulled a crumpled piece of parchment from her loose pocket, pressing it against the furnished wood and running quick fingers over it's surface to straiten the creases.
She propped an elbow against the table, touching curled knuckles underneath her chin as if in thought, her ears trained in the direction of the couple.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
Tay closed her eyes and leaned heavily on the wall. Her ears had grown worse from the sound. Too many people. They had come at the wrong hour and the wrong day.

(HA I GET IT NOW- my writing has been off this entire RP, unless I do person snippets, and THAT is because I don't have a second character to add depth to the scenes. I feel like I'm carrying everything, which isn't true, and it's always like 'how do I advance, how do it advance' AND I DONT KKOW HOWWWW- dude, it's so weird and unnatural. But now that I actually get what the problem is... 🤔🤔 Maybe I can fix it 🤣 )
Jintao was becoming drowsy. Too much stress and excitement had worn him out. He turned his attention to a table of those playing cards. If they wouldn't try pulling him into the game, he'd go sit closer and watch the excitement. Someone entered the tavern. That's odd, he thought as the woman moved to a table without asking for a drink. She appeared to have a piece of paper, so he assumed she was there for business and illegal business due to the late hour.

@_-Captain BRM-_

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