-The Mythics RP-

(I know that her husband is dead. Didn’t know she had kids though
But she doesn’t right now)
“Oh dear,” Martha said. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Don’t hurt yourself for my sake. I merely desire to say goodbye and to wish you safe travels. Where are you headed, anyway?”
“That’s alright,” Layna said. She blew a breath out. “Just.. South for a trip. Hopefully it won’t take me long. I’m going to try to work as a baker while I’m there so I can keep making money. I meant to tell you before I left that I was going to be gone, but nearly forgot. Thank goodness you showed up when you did. Can you watch the bakery while I’m gone?”
“That’s alright,” Layna said. She blew a breath out. “Just.. South for a trip. Hopefully it won’t take me long. I’m going to try to work as a baker while I’m there so I can keep making money. I meant to tell you before I left that I was going to be gone, but nearly forgot. Thank goodness you showed up when you did. Can you watch the bakery while I’m gone?”
“How long will your trip take that you need to keep working?” Martha asked. She sighed. “Well, you know I can only stay until noon, I have the kids to take care of… but as long as I can depend upon Erin to close, I can keep your promise.” Erin was a lad that came as Martha left. He watched the register for a few hours before closing the bakery and preparing everything for the following day.
Cap, shut up

napoleon dynamite GIF

You're one of the most talented writers I've ever come in contact with and you being like "NNnnoooOOOOoooo, I'm such a failure for writing a bunch of words" doesn't change that.
napoleon dynamite is the literal best movie i have ever seen aside from harry potter and httyd
(I have to fight every urge not to use exclusively outdated words in my essays)

Coal landed lightly beside Ember.

I was too busy flying for my life, I have no idea if we were being followed! Coal thought. “I don’t think so,” he said unsteadily.
Ember slid along the wall of the fishing hut, stepping past the Werewolf and stopping at the corner of the small structure.
A pillar of grey smoke was wafting over the rooves of the town, stirring the morning fog, voices calling back and forth from the direction of the small fire.
Not my problem, the Harpy thought bitterly. They'll figure it out.
She turned sharply to face the Werewolf and Coal again, jabbing a clawed finger at the former.
"That was stupid. You should have known better than to be out when at risk of a changing. I saved you from the brunt of it, you can figure the rest out on your own."
Ember redirected her gaze to Coal.
"We may have to regroup at the ship. We can't go looking for recruits in that sector of the cove now, so we'll have to try somewhere else, somewhere farther."

@-Eridanus- (Maybe Lupin could get an idea about recruitment)

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