-The Mythics RP-

(I’m here now, I didn’t have the chance to start writing earlier!)

”Aye.” She folded her hands atop her desk in a businesslike manner.
“I’m perfectly willing to offer you passage, free of charge, as long as you agree to working as my crew for the duration of your stay.”

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
"A fair deal," Nautulis continued calmly. "However, I do wish to know the destination and route of the voyage. Will you be in the waters of Undermine at all?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
”Aye.” She folded her hands atop her desk in a businesslike manner.
“I’m perfectly willing to offer you passage, free of charge, as long as you agree to working as my crew for the duration of your stay.”
"A fair deal," Nautulis continued calmly. "However, I do wish to know the destination and route of the voyage. Will you be in the waters of Undermine at all?"
Jintao, though displeased in the change of plans, listened carefully. This could be the very thing that changed Nautulis' mind, should the Captain say no.

@_-Captain BRM-_
"A fair deal," Nautulis continued calmly. "However, I do wish to know the destination and route of the voyage. Will you be in the waters of Undermine at all?"
(This is brief, just trying to get us picked back up

Vhanya smiled, “why yes, we will indeed. In fact, I was intending for their harbors to be our first stop.“
She leaned back in her chair and said mostly to herself, “how perfect this is! Our souls’ sacred causes must be aligned, yes?“

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
(No, Coal isn’t going to explode the ship)
Since the gundeck was only illuminated by the gunports, Coal made a small, bright flame for light. He was accustomed to doing that anywhere in poorly lit conditions, even if it wasn’t strictly necessary. He waited for Raven to go deeper in the ship and show him the way to the powder magazine.
(This is brief, just trying to get us picked back up

Vhanya smiled, “why yes, we will indeed. In fact, I was intending for their harbors to be our first stop.“
She leaned back in her chair and said mostly to herself, “how perfect this is! Our souls’ sacred causes must be aligned, yes?“

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
"Do you have a contract?" Tay asked. The black fabric of her dress pulled tight as she folded her arms. "How long must I sign on for? Because I'd like to retire from this circus in the near future. Say.." she cocked her head, "the next port."

(No, Coal isn’t going to explode the ship)
Since the gundeck was only illuminated by the gunports, Coal made a small, bright flame for light. He was accustomed to doing that anywhere in poorly lit conditions, even if it wasn’t strictly necessary. He waited for Raven to go deeper in the ship and show him the way to the powder magazine.
Raven's eyes flicked to the side, drawn by the sudden light.
He wasn't going to tell him not to at this point, if he were going to blow up the ship, then at least the world would be rid of them both.
"This way" he muttered and began leading them through the lower decks.
Amarok was getting restless, he had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity and it was only getting busier around the ship. He’d lost sight of the flaming chicken and now only heard the babbling of young sailors.
Raven's eyes flicked to the side, drawn by the sudden light.
He wasn't going to tell him not to at this point, if he were going to blow up the ship, then at least the world would be rid of them both.
"This way" he muttered and began leading them through the lower decks.
When Coal arrived at the powder magazine, he extinguished his light. He wasn’t exactly sure what it would take to accidentally set it off, but he wasn’t taking his chances.

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