-The Mythics RP-

Nautulis knew only a fool wouldn't admit, at least to themselves, intimidation in the Captain's presence. But familiarity promoted an intoxicating confidence- they were surrounded by water. The sea would be the only other scene during nearly the entire stretch of their journey, no matter how far it took them. The very thought made her feel almost equal in power to the Scorpion.
"Well, luckily, little discussion is needed," The Siren chimed rather joyfully, plucking the contract quickly from Jintao's uncertain hands.
"He's with me. As for the young lass, by all means, discuss."
She pressed the parchment against the firm wooden desk, flicking the quil almost with a flourish from its ink-drowned perch and scribbling a nearly unreadable name across one section of the contract line.
"If you don't mind, I shall stay the entire duration of the trip regardless." She straightened, dropping a hand on her hip as she regarded the contract like a work of fine art.
"I'm willing and wanting to learn the ways of sailing and it was been a desire of mine for some time. As for my friend here, he will remain for 18 days- a little over a, ah, 'fortnight'."
Nautulis pushed the contract back towards Jintao, holding out the feathered pen with it, her eyes glittering from excitement.
A black brow quirked upwards with an inkling of surprise, “Ah, I see! Well, I hope your stay aboard my ship is most informative for you.”
Vhanya rose from her chair and pushed it back into place with a boot, pausing to watch as the contract made its way around the trio.

Jintao couldn't help but crack a sideward smile. Perhaps the Captain met his expectations after all. Daring, to say the least, and discerning. He took the pen from Nautulis. "Killing us right away would have taken the fun out of it, now wouldn't it?"
She lent him a sly grin, “I certainly won’t deny that sentiment.”

Jintao's eyes watched the Captain's as he felt his old self returning. The danger-loving self that was slow in his actions, as it took time for things to sink in, and the enjoyment when patience paid off.
He laid the pen's tip against the paper. The quill of it felt awkward in his left hand. He had barely written anything since the loss of his dominant hand, if at all. A hidden chuckle held his thoughts. Anything to do with the Destruction would have his signature memorized but here, it'd be like a disguise.
"I hope you don’t mind my signature being a bit sloppy," he read over Nautalis'. Hers wasn't much better, but maybe it was planned that way. "I don't write much anymore."
He stepped aside and handed the pen to Tay. Odd guilt rubbed him sideways as he looked at her. Something was off in himself and he knew what it was: Excitement. Excitement for coming here, excitement for joining, excitement for... he stopped himself. This was where he never wanted to be again, yet here he was- giving in, and too quickly.
Eyes locked on the stained paper, Tay took the pen into her firm hands and leaned up on the desk. She drug her heel across the ground and rapped her knuckles across the smooth wood, feeling the ship loll.
She hated it.
She rolled her bottom lip with white teeth. "Devils, must it be my real name? I'm responsible for both, completely and totally. One just carries a death sentence, and I prefer not to use it. In fact, I've quite forgotten how it went." Another dull smile, and she rolled her eyes, looking to the Captain.

Vhanya returned the girl’s gaze, “use any name that you see fit. And I agree with you; it’s best to keep the affairs of your, er, criminal past far from my ship.“
She chuckled, “although, I’m not one to talk about avoiding criminal affairs.“

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
A black brow quirked upwards with an inkling of surprise, “Ah, I see! Well, I hope your stay aboard my ship is most informative for you.”
Vhanya rose from her chair and pushed it back into place with a boot, pausing to watch as the contract made its way around the trio.

She lent him a sly grin, “I certainly won’t deny that sentiment.”

Vhanya returned the girl’s gaze, “use any name that you see fit. And I agree with you; it’s best to keep the affairs of your, er, criminal past far from my ship.“
She chuckled, “although, I’m not one to talk about avoiding criminal affairs.“

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
Tay scratched an unruly sign into the parchment, then stepped back and tossed the pen to the table.
"Handle that well, now," she said, nodding to the contract. "It'll be worth money someday." She leaned toward Jintao, casting him a crippled sort-of look. "If not for only my signature, then for marking the historical moment Lyra royally screwed up the remainder of her grandiose life. Take a breather, mate." She shook her head in a gentle way. "Don't be the source of issue."
The truth was her mind's instinct much reflected Jintao's, and for that she was sour. He seemed a fine man indeed when his courageous wits were about, but now he lacked utterly in respect. His already cautious ways and been reined in to an even tighter extent. Jintao took the bit with sincere submission and ease.
But then again, perhaps he was right.
Her mind only downgraded him so that she could look taller, Tay knew this full well. Yet he beared an uncanny resemblance to a coward.
Whether cowardice equalled caution was a matter utterly ignored by Tay's over-analyzing brain. His past scarred him. It left him quite frightened. He was a coward to show it, she decided.
Yet without hesitation she saw her own self reflected through this. Whether she displayed the emotions or not, terror had woven it's way into her heart and with every breath the threads tightened and cut. It would overwhelm. She couldn't surpress.
But she could store it up.
She was good at that.

Tay didn't know. It was all too much, and too overwhelming. She'd talk with him. They'd find a time. Jintao wasn't a fool. He wasn't a fool.
If only she could calm her wet palms and rattling heart.

(I... I'm tired. I don't-..
This is going 4,000 different directions, but.. I think that's what I love about Tay.)
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