-The Mythics RP-

"Oh," Gecko counted his fingers. "Right." He went over to some barrels and began counting them. Using his nail to carve, he carved tally marks on one of the barrels to keep track. "Eh," he said as he carved another tally. "Why does she want these counted?"
Raven held a number in his mind as he glanced up and watched Gecko scratching the wood, "Most likely so that she knows if we need more." he turned back and shoved a couple of barrels out of the way to get a clear view of the back row. "The question is," He muttered, "Are all of these full?"
Raven held a number in his mind as he glanced up and watched Gecko scratching the wood, "Most likely so that she knows if we need more." he turned back and shoved a couple of barrels out of the way to get a clear view of the back row. "The question is," He muttered, "Are all of these full?"
Coal finished counting the back row.
“I counted a hundred-and-five,” said Coal, hoping Raven got the same number so he wouldn’t have to go through and count all over again.
Ember stepped forward from her position near the cabin door, scratching subconsciously at the corner of the small book with one claw.
"So you are all agreed then. We can get on to positions and assignments."
The Harpy rested a finger on the contract, pulling it closer to her as she stepped up to the Captain's desk, curling a lip slightly. The Siren and the man both had handwriting that she wouldn't describe as far off from a toddler's. The human's seemed particularly worse. At least the young woman's was easily readable- Lyra, supposedly.
Ember straightened again, flipping the log book to the first blank page and scratching the first several names into the parchment, rather viciously.

Nautulis stepped back as the Harpy woman approached the desk, again forcing a smile to contain her irritation. She clasped her hands gently, pressing her index fingers against her lower lip.
"Fair enough. Where would you have us assigned, Captain? What needs done?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
Raven held a number in his mind as he glanced up and watched Gecko scratching the wood, "Most likely so that she knows if we need more." he turned back and shoved a couple of barrels out of the way to get a clear view of the back row. "The question is," He muttered, "Are all of these full?"
Coal finished counting the back row.
“I counted a hundred-and-five,” said Coal, hoping Raven got the same number so he wouldn’t have to go through and count all over again.
Gecko pointed at a few more barrels, counting them silently. "If she only wants to know how many barrels she has, why would it matter if they ah full?" He sloched down and began carving the new tally marks. "Ah, ouch!" He shook his hand wildly before sticking his carving finger in his mouth. "I da minta-" he took his finger out of his mouth. "Right under the nail too."
Tay scratched an unruly sign into the parchment, then stepped back and tossed the pen to the table.
"Handle that well, now," she said, nodding to the contract. "It'll be worth money someday." She leaned toward Jintao, casting him a crippled sort-of look. "If not for only my signature, then for marking the historical moment Lyra royally screwed up the remainder of her grandiose life. Take a breather, mate." She shook her head in a gentle way. "Don't be the source of issue."
The truth was her mind's instinct much reflected Jintao's, and for that she was sour. He seemed a fine man indeed when his courageous wits were about, but now he lacked utterly in respect. His already cautious ways and been reined in to an even tighter extent. Jintao took the bit with sincere submission and ease.
But then again, perhaps he was right.
Her mind only downgraded him so that she could look taller, Tay knew this full well. Yet he beared an uncanny resemblance to a coward.
Whether cowardice equalled caution was a matter utterly ignored by Tay's over-analyzing brain. His past scarred him. It left him quite frightened. He was a coward to show it, she decided.
Yet without hesitation she saw her own self reflected through this. Whether she displayed the emotions or not, terror had woven it's way into her heart and with every breath the threads tightened and cut. It would overwhelm. She couldn't surpress.
But she could store it up.
She was good at that.

Tay didn't know. It was all too much, and too overwhelming. She'd talk with him. They'd find a time. Jintao wasn't a fool. He wasn't a fool.
If only she could calm her wet palms and rattling heart.

(I... I'm tired. I don't-..
This is going 4,000 different directions, but.. I think that's what I love about Tay.)
Jintao's frown returned with Vhanya's statement. It wasn't due to his lack of knowledge or being temporarily impressed; it was his guilt digging deeper into his soul. He was here. Again. Every contract he ever signed was like signing his death. It would seem promising at first, but it always led to pain and more pain.
He glanced around the room. In time, he was sure, they'd all be in a battle, killing, or being killed. It was the life of a pirate, after all. Taking what doesn't belong to you, either by your rule or the government's, all the while killing the innocent. Even children, if they weren't convinced to join your heartless crew.

Jintao let out a sigh with a step backward. "Yeah," he said under his breath. He felt like he was the source. If only he could have done something to stop her from coming to the Cove. Then again, had he been standing on his own two feet, he might have been wise enough not to follow her to the Cove. He was a mess, and he knew it. And like the ship he had lived on for many years, he felt as though everything he touched led his life to destruction.
Ember stepped forward from her position near the cabin door, scratching subconsciously at the corner of the small book with one claw.
"So you are all agreed then. We can get on to positions and assignments."
The Harpy rested a finger on the contract, pulling it closer to her as she stepped up to the Captain's desk, curling a lip slightly. The Siren and the man both had handwriting that she wouldn't describe as far off from a toddler's. The human's seemed particularly worse. At least the young woman's was easily readable- Lyra, supposedly.
Ember straightened again, flipping the log book to the first blank page and scratching the first several names into the parchment, rather viciously.

Nautulis stepped back as the Harpy woman approached the desk, again forcing a smile to contain her irritation. She clasped her hands gently, pressing her index fingers against her lower lip.
"Fair enough. Where would you have us assigned, Captain? What needs done?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
@RDchicken99, I think we're waiting on your response.
Gecko pointed at a few more barrels, counting them silently. "If she only wants to know how many barrels she has, why would it matter if they ah full?" He sloched down and began carving the new tally marks. "Ah, ouch!" He shook his hand wildly before sticking his carving finger in his mouth. "I da minta-" he took his finger out of his mouth. "Right under the nail too."
“Because,” Raven explained “even if she has thousands of barrels, they’re not worth anything if they’re all empty” he glanced at Geckos hand. “Which I doubt. Are you ok?”
Coal finished counting the back row.
“I counted a hundred-and-five,” said Coal, hoping Raven got the same number so he wouldn’t have to go through and count all over again.
Raven nodded

(I know the order of those should be switched but I’m on a phone rn and it would be a small hassle)

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